The increasing proliferation of anti-access/area denial (A2AD) environments is driving intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) platforms to operate in bistatic or multistatic configurations. While this reduces the threat to those platforms in A2AD environments, it also greatly expands the degrees of freedom a template-based classification database must encompass. The overhead and logistics burdens in maintaining such a database are immense, particularly since ISAR templates should also encompass the variety of typical vessel motions. EMSI proposes to extend its monostatic 3D ISAR technology to bistatic and multistatic systems, thereby extracting vessel features that allow classification with existing Navy monostatic databases, while requiring only short dwells on target.
Benefit: The 3D features of the proposed approach enable classification with existing monostatic databases. Alternative approaches require extensive data collection and/or simulation to create a database, whose size may preclude use on small unmanned airborne systems (UASs). The proposed approach also facilitates re-recognition of previously seen vessels not in a classification database
Keywords: Maritime, Maritime, sustainable, ATR, Classification, ISAR