Company Profile

Telescent Inc
Profile last edited on: 6/1/22      CAGE: 586Q4      UEI: JMMPGFAPNYF4

Business Identifier: Automated data center network management: fiber optic interconnect systems. Robotic system & software platform
Year Founded
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Location Information

16832 Red Hill Avenue
Irvine, CA 92606
   (866) 533-2212
Location: Single
Congr. District: 45
County: Los Angeles

Public Profile

Involving the principals of Arroyo Optics - itself having been (acquired by Mellanox in 2006) - Telescent's Software-defined Networking (SDN) system includes a robotic Network Topology Manager that automates cloud computing centers and extends today’s SDN technology to the physical network. Though not SBIR involved in some time, the firm's software and hardware system s usefully understood as enables on-demand physical layer provisioning, grooming and monitoring of high bandwidth fiber optic interconnections. Data center network topology and workflows are then dynamically configurable, so the physical layer, link layer and higher level software-driven network operations can be integrated and optimized. Gen4 Network Topology Manager ("G4 NTM") provides a complete solution to automate the management of the physical network topology for rapid reconfiguration, reprovisioning and retasking of networks driven by changing workflows and the need to improve utilization. Founded in 2008, Telescent’s first product the G4 NTM product was released in March of 2015 and is already deployed at large Tier 1 industry leading customers looking to scale their networks using Physical S

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Key People / Management

  Anthony Kewitsch -- President, CEO and Co-Founder

  John Dexheimer -- Vice President of Strategic Alliances

  Alan Gibbemeyer -- VP of Business Development and Sales

  Hamid Lalani -- VP Sales and Marketing

  Ron Moeller -- VP of Manufacturing

  Margaret Nolde -- Financial Controller

  Bob Shine -- VP of Marketing and Product Management

  Ramiro Voicu -- VP of Software Architecture

  Amnon Yariv -- Co-founder

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