Company Profile

Semba Biosiences Inc (AKA: Semba Biosciences~Semba Inc)
Profile last edited on: 2/3/22      CAGE: 4C2Z2      UEI: YF3SDHLN3J75

Business Identifier: Bench top continuous chromatography systems
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Inactive (Acquired)
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Location Information

601 Science Drive Suite 110
Madison, WI 53711
   (608) 441-8009
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Dane

Public Profile

Semba Biosciences Inc. is a life science company whose principals pioneered development of bench top continuous chromatography systems for efficient and scalable purification of biomolecules. The company’s lab-scale Octave® Systems are used in the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries worldwide. The new ProPD™ and ProGMP™ products bring the power of continuous chromatography to the biopharmaceutical industry for downstream process development and single-use manufacturing. In late 2018, it was announced that Tosoh Bioscience LLC had completed a significant-sized equity investment in Semba Biosciences with the intention of acquiring full ownership. Tosoh Bioscience is a subsidiary of Tosoh Corporation in Japan, the parent of the Tosoh Group that is made up of over 100 companies worldwide. With a history of teaming and collaborating with Tosoh Bioscience on various biomanufacturing projects since 2007 - described as anchored inthe fact that the technologies of the two entities are a very good fit - this latest endeavor is expected to provide an integrated solution for bioprocess research, development and continuous manufacturing offer customers the most advanced platform for multicolumn continuous biochromatography. Consistent with what they had annaounced at the time of their initial investment in Semba Biosciences - an innovator in the field of multi-column chromatography (MCC) instrumentation and technology for downstream purification of biologics - in October 2021 it was announced that the firmis now wholly owned by Tosoh Bioscience. Paties to the transaction indicated that combining Semba Biosciences’ advanced Simulated Moving Bed (SMB) technology with Tosoh Bioscience’s best-in-class resins, the new entity wil be able to offer unparalleled efficiency and productivity in downstream processes and significantly decrease the cost of manufacturing. Tosoh Bioscience - located in King of Prussia, PA., - indocated intent to expand Semba team in M

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Key People / Management

  Robert Mierendorf -- President & CEO

  Lisa Anderson

  Anthony C Grabski -- Director of Research and Development

  Brian Harbrecht -- Director of Engineering

  Lisa Johnson -- Chief Business Officer

  Anil Oroskar -- Founder

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