Vision-Based Navigation for Formation Flight onboard ISS
Award last edited on: 5/25/2022

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Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
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Principal Investigator
Hector Gutierrez

Company Information

Jaycon Systems LLC

801 East Hibiscus Boulevard Suite B
Melbourne, FL 32901
   (888) 226-4711

Research Institution

Florida Institute of Technology

Phase I

Contract Number: NNX17CG46P
Start Date: 6/9/2017    Completed: 6/8/2018
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The RINGS project (Resonant Inductive Near-field Generation Systems) was a DARPA-funded effort to demonstrate Electromagnetic Formation Flight and wireless power transfer in microgravity. Integration inconsistencies in both hardware and software prevented the experiment from achieving its objectives during the planned test sessions. A later project supported by NASA ARC focused on the assessment, diagnostics, corrections and ground testing of RINGS, to understand the reasons for the failure of RINGS to complete its science sessions, and assess the possibility of correcting these errors in future missions. The assessment concluded that RINGS can be successfully used in future science sessions provided that a new metrology system is available to navigate RINGS in real time onboard ISS. The proposed study supports the implementation, integration and ground testing of vision-based navigation of RINGS, using the Smartphone Video Guidance Sensor (SVGS) with SPHERES (Synchronized Position Hold Engage and Reorient Experimental Satellite). SVGS was developed at NASA MSFC for application on cubesats and small satellites to enable autonomous rendezvous and capture, and formation flying. SPHERES are free-flying robots that have been used for numerous experiments on board ISS. Their metrology system is based on ultrasonic beacons, and does not operate correctly with large flyers due to multi-path signal reflections. The main objective of this study is the integration of SVGS (as vision-based position and attitude sensor) with the SPHERES GN&C environment. Successful integration will be demonstrated by 3DOF vision-based guidance, navigation and motion control experiments on a flat floor using the RINGS ground units available at Florida Tech. Performance assessment will be done by a vision-based metrology system based on data fusion using high resolution cameras. A path forward for deployment on ISS will be developed in coordination with NASA ARC.

Potential NASA Commercial Applications:
(Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words) (1) The proposed effort will deliver a positioning/metrology system based on smartphones that can be used for navigation and positioning control applications in space robotics. (2) Orientation and navigation in cubesat and smallsat missions. Automatic docking and maneuvering cubesats can be used for inspection tasks. Cubesats capable of vision-based navigation can be used to perform close-up science missions. (3) Other applications: orbital debris mitigation, cubesat or smallsat formation flying, spacecraft docking, space robotic systems.

Potential NON-NASA Commercial Applications:
(Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words) 1. The proposed Phase I effort will deliver a positioning/metrology system well suited for navigation and positioning control applications in Robotics when vision-based feedback is desirable, such as in automated docking or inspection tasks. 2. The proposed vision-based GN&C sensor would also be well suited for positioning, navigation and visual inspection tasks in Cubesats.

Technology Taxonomy Mapping:
(NASA's technology taxonomy has been developed by the SBIR-STTR program to disseminate awareness of proposed and awarded R/R&D in the agency. It is a listing of over 100 technologies, sorted into broad categories, of interest to NASA.) Command & Control Navigation & Guidance Relative Navigation (Interception, Docking, Formation Flying; see also Control & Monitoring; Planetary Navigation, Tracking, & Telemetry) Robotics (see also Control & Monitoring; Sensors) Teleoperation

Phase II

Contract Number: 80NSSC19C0009
Start Date: 4/5/2019    Completed: 4/4/2021
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The proposed Phase II supports completion of the RINGS science missions on ISS using SVGS as real-time sensor for the EMFF maneuver. During Phase I, SVGS-based navigation of RINGS was developed and tested on a 3DOF ground-based platform, and mechanical and electrical integration of RINGS with the free-flying robotic platforms on ISS (Astrobee) was designed in detail. SVGS was deployed and tested on a platform equivalent to the Guest Scientist Module (HLP) on Astrobee, which facilitates direct deployment of SVGS on Astrobee with minimal additional hardware. The Phase II effort will support the deployment and completion of the EMFF and WPT science sessions of RINGS onboard ISS, using SVGS as GN&C sensor. Ground testing of the RINGS-Astrobee assembly will including formation flight in both open and closed loop maneuvers. RINGS is currently unutilized on board ISS. The RINGS science missions are an important step to demonstrate and assess the feasibility of electromagnetic formation flight and wireless power transfer. The proposed research would enable to leverage the substantial expenditures and effort already invested in the development of RINGS to serve as demonstration of EMFF and WPT - technology areas of great promise for future small spacecraft. The proposed Phase II will also help demonstrate and assess SVGS as stand-alone sensor for proximity operations between small satellites. SVGS is an attractive alternative as real-time sensor for rendezvous, docking and proximity operations. Key factors that make SVGS attractive to small satellite applications (small form factor, low cost, platform independence) also makes it appealing to human exploration missions, where crew vehicles need to dock with a variety of platforms. The niche for a proximity operations sensor for smallsat applications is currently open – the deployment of SVGS on ISS and its application to complete the RINGS mission will illustrate SVGS’ ability to fill that role. Potential NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words) Deploying SVGS on small, powerful, inexpensive platforms opens the path to use SVGS as rendezvous & docking sensor in multiple space applications. Key factors that make SVGS attractive to small sat applications (small form factor, low-power consumption, relatively simple implementation) also make it appealing to human exploration missions, where crew vehicles need to dock with a variety of platforms. The niche for a proximity operations sensor for space applications is currently open – this initiative is positioning SVGS to compete for that role. SVGS is envisioned as a compact, low-cost, sensing and estimation system for proximity operations and rendezvous applications in space robotics. The proposed effort will help demonstrate SVGS performance while being very competitive in size, complexity and cost compared to currently existing devices. 1) SVGS can support orientation and navigation in cubesat and smallsat missions. Automatic docking and maneuvering cubesats can be used for inspection tasks related to manned spacecraft. 2) Cubesats capable of vision-based positioning and orientation can also be used to perform close-up science missions. 3) Additional potential applications include orbital debris mitigation, & small sat formation flying. 4) SVGS could be used as sensor that assists large spacecraft docking or feedback for robotic systems, similar to the role played by the camera and RMS target when astronauts maneuvered the Remote Manipulator System on the Space Shuttle. Potential Non-NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words) The proposed effort will deliver a positioning/metrology system well suited for proximity operations in Robotics when vision-based feedback is desirable, such as in automated docking or approach/grasp tasks with a robotic hand. It would also be well suited for rendezvous, short range navigation and visual inspection tasks in Cubesats. The SVGS/RINGS architecture can support a broad array of space missions - potential customers are contractors or companies supporting missions with small robots that need to dock, proximity maneuvers or teleoperation. SVGS will evolve as an “agnostic" architecture that can be ported to any platform. To make SVGS available to many possible users, a 'portable' version of SVGS will be developed and maintained: a version of the SVGS algorithm that is agnostic to platform or language. SVGS can be implemented in ANSI C and provide an API with bindings for Python, Java, etc., to broaden its applicability. The API would be purely the image processing and mathematical portions of the SVGS algorithm, leading to the development of a 'root' version of SVGS that any potential customer could easily adapt and use in a variety of platforms and applications.