Company Profile

Neocis Inc
Profile last edited on: 3/3/2023      CAGE: 774X0      UEI: JU2QNZZUM9F3

Business Identifier: Robot-assisted dental surgery
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

2800 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 600
Miami, FL 33137
   (305) 409-2819
Location: Single
Congr. District: 24
County: Miami-Dade

Public Profile

Focused on robot-assisted dental surgery technology, Neocis develops precision healthcare robotics. Principals of the firm work closely with dental surgeons to understand their specific needs enabling the development of robotic technology that is capable of overcoming surgical and treatment challenges. Neocis was founded by two engineers with prior experience in robotic surgery from their time at Mako Surgical, where they were two of the first principal engineers to develop the revolutionary RIO system for robotic guided orthopedics. After Mako had a successful IPO and ultimately sold to Stryker for $1.65B, these two engineers sought another medical market that would fit the sort of robotic surgery technology they had spent years developing, eventually settling on dental surgery. After securing several rounds of funding beginning in 2012, the firm's Yomi robotic dental surgery product completed a successful clinical study in 2016. Yomi is the first and only robot-assisted dental surgery system to be commercially available in the United States and is in clinical use with leading dental surgeons.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2017 1 NSF $225,000
Project Title: Hybrid Mechanical-Optical Patient Tracking for Robotic Surgery

Key People / Management

  Alon Mozes -- CEO and Co-Founder

  Erik Beuckelaers -- VP of finance and HR

  David Cole -- Chief Software Architect

  Juan Salcedo -- VP Operations and Co-Founder

  Christopher Sells -- VP of sales and marketing

Company News

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