Company Profile

Sentiar Inc
Profile last edited on: 7/20/23      CAGE: 7NJL9      UEI: EH11DL9MHRG7

Business Identifier: Pholographic AR platform for intraprocedural clinical use
Year Founded
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Location Information

20 South Sarah Street
Saint Louis, MO 63108
   (216) 577-2418
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: St. Louis city

Public Profile

Spun out of Washington University’s School of Medicine and School of Engineering, SentiAR is a healthcare technology company working on using a holographic Augmented Reality platform for intraprocedural clinical use. The firm is developing a 3D visualization platform for interventional procedures through a head-up display. Using real-time navigation data feeds - verus relying on MRI and/or CT scans - the SentiAR's intraprocedural solution- fully in the control of the surgical personnel involved - provides patient-specific anatomy in a holographic display, including catheter movement.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2019 2 NIH $2,221,372
Project Title: Using Augmented Reality to Make Cardiac Ablation Procedures Simpler and Safer

Key People / Management

  Jim Howard -- Co-Founder & CEO

  Berk Tas -- President and Chief Executive Officer

  Jennifer N Avari Silva

  Walter Blume -- Staff Research Development Engineer

  Susan Hibbeln -- VP Regulatory Affairs and Quality System

  Bill Klees -- Senior Software Engineer

  Jon Silva -- Co-Founder and CTO

  Michael Southworth -- Engineer

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