Founded by scientists from National Labs in New Mexico, Angstrom Thin Film Technologies LLC specializes in ALD equipments and technologies. With facilaties in the US, Shanghai and SIngapre, all models custimizable to customer needs, the firm's product lines include Thermron series for research-scale thermal ALD; Angstrom-dep (or Å-dep) series that integrate two ALD chambers into one unit: a regular chamber for ALD of wafer samples and an agitated chamber dedicated for ALD of powder samples. When the system is ready to be upgraded to a plasma-assisted ALD system, the firm also offers the Angstrom-T series for ALD or plasma-ALD of long tubular samples for membrane applications; and tjhe Angstrom-Plasma series for demanding industry applications. Five reasons to choose Å-dep® ALD systems: 1. Capable of processing powder sample 2. Allows the usage of corrosive gases 3. Ready to add plasma-ALD 4. Easy sample mounting and precursor exchange 5. Low-cost to add additional precursors. In 2014, the firm spun off Albuquerque NM based, Innothium LLC aimed at the fast-growing market of energy storage, such as high-capacity, rapid-charging and long-life lithium batteries, the purpose of Innothium LLC is to use the commercial ALD equipment manufactured by Angstrom Thin Film Technologies LLC to scale up the production of electrode materials for lithium battery with improved performance.