The objective of Global Watch is to design, develop and demonstrate an affordable next generation high performance, scalable identity management solution that provides automated, Big Data analysis tools to enable rapid, concise understanding of adversaries knowledge of USSOCOM operators and assets. The Global Watch solution embeds the perspective of an exploitation analyst by creating analytics that pull together data from open source Social Media aggregators, public information and open source Dark Web data to create a comprehensive Identity database. Advanced Big Data analytics aggregate and exploit the information from various sources so that they can be displayed via a web based open source business intelligence platform. Collectively, the analytics provide a comprehensive view of the USSOCOM personnel. Specifically, by identifying the people and places with whom USSOCOM members associate (via their social media profiles), the Global Watch system will provide a Digital Footprint Vulnerability Score[1] that qualitatively examines and assigns color coordinated ranks to an individuals online presence to establish how much information is available for an enemy to exploit. The qualitative assessment of the threat is derived from the Dark Web threat monitoring where terrorist openly discuss Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs).