Company Profile

Energy Driven Technologies LLC
Profile last edited on: 11/14/17      CAGE: 7HJ79      UEI: QD9KNNLT46W3

Business Identifier: Fabricating materials one atom at a time without chemicals or high temperatures
Year Founded
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Location Information

60 Hazelwood Drive
Champaign, IL 61820
   (765) 464-9036
Location: Single
Congr. District: 13
County: Champaign

Public Profile

With close ties to Purdue but also with R&D operations in Enterprise Works at University of Illinois' Research Park in Champaign, IL., Energy Driven Technologies LLC (Editekk®) was officially launched based on a licensed Purdue University innovation: directed irradiation synthesis (DIS), one of Editekk's signature technologies. The firm's founder and principal continues to conduct emergent research in complex materials and multi-scale nanoscale and mesoscale patterning, leading the Radiation Surface Science & Engineering Laboratory (RSSEL), at the University of Illinois. Energy Driven Technologies LLC (Editekk®) combines advanced particle-beam technologies to tailor multi-functionality on micro and/or nano-structured coatings, surfaces and interfaces to enhance performance. Advanced synthesis processes are developed at Editekk® with tailor-made advanced processing tools integrated into product lines or designed to a customer's specific needs. Surface and interface modification can be applied on either 2 or 3 dimensional structures as well as layered structures. The firm exploits athermal and non-thermal processes that can tailor micro and nano-scale structures of any type of material depending on the desired application. Conventional techniques use lithographic approaches and/or chemical-based technologies for top-down and/or bottom-up nanoscale patterning of surfaces and interfaces. Challenges to these techniques are linked to chemical potentials and materials compatibility as well as high-temperature processing that can limit scalability to high-volume manufacturing levels thus narrowing functional adaptability at low cost

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Jean Paul Allain -- Founder, President and CEO

  Daniel Andruczyk

  Catherine Chen -- Chief Financial Office

  Zachariah Koyn -- Chief Technology Officer

  Jessica Krogstad