News Article

Trevigen releases CultreCoat® Cell Adhesion Assays
Date: Feb 05, 2009
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Featured firm in this article: Trevigen Inc of Gaithersburg, MD

Trevigen announces the release of seven new coated well assay kits for cell adhesion

A cell's ability to adhere to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins is a necessary precursor
to cell invasion, and this process also modulates morphogenesis, wound healing,
proliferation, differentiation, and survival. Researchers studying cancer cell behavior or
developing cancer therapeutics study cell adhesion with various proteins, recognizing that
manipulation of cell adhesion to the extracellular environment may significantly impact
cell activities. What is desired then is an assay system providing a variety of ECM
proteins in a quantitative, high throughput format.

Trevigen answers this need with a simple, standardized, high throughput adhesion assay
format offering 96 well plates coated with Basement Membrane Extract, Laminin I,
Collagen I, Collagen IV, Fibronectin, Vitronectin, or an array of all six ECM proteins. A
black stripwell format minimizes background providing increased sensitivity. Calcein
labeling allows direct comparison between the number of cells loaded and the number of
cells that adhere, and additional controls are provided for determining background and
non-specific binding.

Trevigen, Inc. focuses on the development, manufacturing and marketing of technology
and products for cancer research, emphasizing apoptosis, DNA damage and repair, and
cancer cell behavior.

Highly qualified ECM proteins are also available separately from Trevigen.