iCAP an Innovative Device to Rapidly Resolve Microbial KeratitisAward last edited on: 2/19/2024
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NEITotal Award Amount
$1,793,833Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
867Principal Investigator
Anjal C SharmaCompany Information
Lynntech Inc
2501 Earl Rudder Freeway South
College Station, TX 77845
College Station, TX 77845
(979) 764-2200 |
requests@lynntech.com |
www.lynntech.com |
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 10
County: Brazos
Congr. District: 10
County: Brazos
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43EY026824-01Start Date: 9/30/2016 Completed: 9/30/2019
Phase I year
2016Phase I Amount
$236,524Public Health Relevance Statement:
Public Health Relevance:
The potential long-term impact of this SBIR effort is an effective new paradigm in the treatment of microbial keratitis right at the point-of-diagnosis. Our envisioned automated iCAP devices have the potential to not only resolve the infection in a faster timeframe than with the use of antibiotics, but also heal eye defects induced as a consequence of the infection. iCAP could thus provide significant clinical benefit for microbial keratitis patients worldwide and enable faster healing coupled with lowered costs of treatment.
Project Terms:
Accounting; Adhesions; Outpatient Clinics; Ambulatory Care Facilities; Amoeba; Amoeba genus; Miscellaneous Antibiotic; Antibiotic Drugs; Antibiotic Agents; Antibiotics; Ar element; Argon; Bacteria; cell culture; Cell Culture Techniques; Scars; Cicatrix; Coagulase; corneal; Cornea; cornea edema; Corneal edema; corneal transplant; corneal keratoplasty; Corneal Transplantation; Corneal Grafting; Cornea Transplantation; Keratoplasty; corneal ulceration; cornea ulcer; Ulcerative Keratitis; Corneal Ulcer; Diagnosis; Disorder; Disease; DNA Injury; DNA Damage; Hydrops; Dropsy; Edema; Emergencies; Emergency Situation; Ophthalmia; Endophthalmitis; Engineering; Expenditure; health care expenditure; Health Expenditures; Eyeball; Eye; fungus; Future; Gases; Health Care Systems; Healthcare Systems; He element; Helium; Hydroperoxide; H2O2; Hydrogen Peroxide; In Vitro; Infection; Inflammation; interferon beta 2; Plasmacytoma Growth Factor; Myeloid Differentiation-Inducing Protein; MGI-2; IL6 Protein; IL-6; IFNB2; IFN-beta 2; Hybridoma Growth Factor; Hepatocyte-Stimulating Factor; HPGF; BSF2; BSF-2; BCDF; B-Cell Stimulatory Factor-2; B-Cell Differentiation Factor-2; B-Cell Differentiation Factor; B cell stimulating factor 2; B cell differentiation factor; Interleukin-6; Ocular Tension; Intraocular Pressure; Physiologic Intraocular Pressure; Keratitis; Penetrating Keratoplasty; heavy metal lead; heavy metal Pb; Pb element; Lead; Photoradiation; Light; Lipid Peroxidation; Cell Membrane Lipids; Membrane Lipids; Methods; Mississippi; N2 element; N element; Nitrogen; O2 element; O element; Oxygen; Patients; Reticuloendothelial System, Serum, Plasma; Plasma Serum; Blood Plasma; Plasma; Pseudomonas pyocyanea; P.aeruginosa; P. aeruginosa; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Rabbits Mammals; Rabbits; Domestic Rabbit; Oryctolagus cuniculus; proto-oncogene protein c-erbB-1; erbBl; erbB-1 Proto-Oncogene Protein; erbB-1; c-erbB-1 Protein; c-erbB-1; Urogastrone Receptor; Transforming Growth Factor alpha Receptor; TGF-alpha Receptor; HER1; Epidermal Growth Factor-Urogastrone Receptors; Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Kinase; Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Kinase; ERBB Protein; EGFR; EGF Receptor; Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor; regenerate; Regeneration; Natural regeneration; Safety; Signal Pathway; Staphylococcus; Genus staphylococcus; Staph aureus; S.aureus; S. aureus; Staphylococcus aureus; Streptococcus; S. pneumoniae; Pneumococcus; Diplococcus pneumoniae; D.pneumoniae; D. pneumoniae; Streptococcus pneumoniae; Time; Universities; Virus; General Viruses; Weight; cytokine; Vinculin; metavinculin; Antibiotic Resistance; antibiotic resistant; Resistant to antibiotics; Resistance to antibiotics; Healthcare; health care; Cataract; cataractous lenses; cataractogenesis; Treatment Cost; Killings; improved; Area; Clinical; Healed; repair; repaired; Phase; Medical; Ensure; Distress; data repository; clinical data repository; Databanks; Data Bases; Data Banks; Databases; Ophthalmologist; Legal Blindness; Collaborations; Staging; Antimicrobial susceptibility; Hour; visual loss; vision loss; Blindness; Perforation; Emergency room; Emergency Department; Accident and Emergency department; Medical center; Cellular Proliferation; Cell Multiplication; Cell Growth in Number; Cell Proliferation; Performance; technology development; microbial; Chemical Exposure; Devices; Coding System; Code; Regulation; Modeling; Focal Contacts; Cell-Matrix Adherens Junctions; Adhesion Plaques; Focal Adhesions; b-ENAP; TSG-1; SCYB8; MONAP; MDNCF; LYNAP; LUCT; K60; IL8; IL-8; GCP1; CXCL8; AMCF-I; 3-10C; IL8 gene; pp125FAK; PTK2; FAK1; FAK; FADK; PTK2 gene; Defect; Bacterial Model; Data; Mammalian Cell; Resolution; in vivo; in vivo Model; Small Business Innovation Research; SBIR; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; resistant mechanism; resistance mechanism; preclinical; pre-clinical; healing; corneal repair; designing; design; efficacy evaluation; Outcome; Population; migration; Trauma; Coupled; innovation; innovative; innovate; Microbe; prototype; commercialization; public health relevance; regenerative; Emergency department visit; Emergency room visit; Emergency care visit; ER visit; ED visit
Phase II
Contract Number: 2R44EY026824-02A1Start Date: 9/30/2016 Completed: 5/31/2024
Phase II year
2021(last award dollars: 2023)
Phase II Amount
$1,557,309Public Health Relevance Statement:
PROJECT NARRATIVE The potential long-term impact of this SBIR effort is an effective new paradigm in the treatment of microbial keratitis right at the point-of-diagnosis. Our envisioned automated iCAP devices have the potential to not only resolve the infection in a faster timeframe than with the use of antibiotics, but also heal eye defects induced as a consequence of the infection. iCAP could thus provide significant clinical benefit for microbial keratitis patients worldwide and enable faster healing coupled with lowered costs of treatment.
Project Terms:
Air; Ambulatory Care Facilities; Outpatient Clinics; Amoeba genus; Amoeba; Antibiotics; Antibiotic Agents; Antibiotic Drugs; Miscellaneous Antibiotic; Bacteria; Cell Adhesion; Cellular Adhesion; cell motility; Cell Locomotion; Cell Migration; Cell Movement; Cellular Migration; Cellular Motility; Motility; Cells; Cell Body; Cicatrix; Scars; Clinical Trials; Coagulase; Cornea; corneal; Corneal edema; cornea edema; Keratoplasty; Cornea Transplantation; Corneal Grafting; Corneal Transplantation; corneal keratoplasty; corneal transplant; Corneal Ulcer; Ulcerative Keratitis; cornea ulcer; corneal ulceration; Diagnosis; Disease; Disorder; DNA Damage; DNA Injury; Edema; Dropsy; Hydrops; Emergency Situation; Emergencies; Endophthalmitis; Ophthalmia; Health Expenditures; health care expenditure; healthcare expenditure; Eye; Eyeball; fungus; Future; Gases; Healthcare Systems; Health Care Systems; Helium; He element; Human; Modern Man; Hydrogen Peroxide; H2O2; Hydroperoxide; In Vitro; Infection; Inflammation; Interleukin-6; B cell differentiation factor; B cell stimulating factor 2; B-Cell Differentiation Factor; B-Cell Differentiation Factor-2; B-Cell Stimulatory Factor-2; BCDF; BSF-2; BSF2; HPGF; Hepatocyte-Stimulating Factor; Hybridoma Growth Factor; IFN-beta 2; IFNB2; IL-6; IL6 Protein; MGI-2; Myeloid Differentiation-Inducing Protein; Plasmacytoma Growth Factor; interferon beta 2; Physiologic Intraocular Pressure; Intraocular Pressure; Ocular Tension; intra-ocular pressure; Ions; Keratitis; Penetrating Keratoplasty; Lead; Pb element; heavy metal Pb; heavy metal lead; Mississippi; Nitrogen; Ophthalmology; Oxygen; O element; O2 element; Patients; Plasma; Blood Plasma; Plasma Serum; Reticuloendothelial System, Serum, Plasma; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; P aeruginosa; P. aeruginosa; Pseudomonas pyocyanea; Oryctolagus cuniculus; Domestic Rabbit; Rabbits; Rabbits Mammals; Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor; EGF Receptor; EGFR; ERBB Protein; Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Kinase; Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Kinase; Epidermal Growth Factor-Urogastrone Receptors; HER1; TGF-alpha Receptor; Transforming Growth Factor alpha Receptor; Urogastrone Receptor; c-erbB-1; c-erbB-1 Protein; erbB-1; erbB-1 Proto-Oncogene Protein; erbBl; proto-oncogene protein c-erbB-1; Research; Safety; Genus staphylococcus; Staphylococcus; Staphylococcus aureus; S aureus; S. aureus; Staph aureus; Streptococcus pneumoniae; D pneumoniae; D. pneumoniae; Diplococcus pneumoniae; Pneumococcus; S pneumoniae; S. pneumoniae; Thinness; Leanness; Time; Ultraviolet Rays; Actinic Rays; UV light; UV radiation; UV rays; ultra violet light; ultra violet radiation; ultra violet rays; ultraviolet light; ultraviolet radiation; Universities; Virus; Interleukin-10; CSIF; CSIF-10; Cytokine Synthesis Inhibitory Factor; IL-10; IL10; IL10A; Interleukin 10 Precursor; Antibiotic Resistance; Resistance to antibiotics; Resistant to antibiotics; antibiotic drug resistance; antibiotic resistant; Device Designs; Healthcare; health care; Cataract; cataractogenesis; cataractous lenses; Treatment Cost; Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt; AKT; Akt protein; Protein Kinase B; RAC-PK protein; c-akt protein; proto-oncogene protein RAC; proto-oncogene protein akt; rac protein kinase; related to A and C-protein; improved; Area; Clinical; repaired; repair; Phase; Medical; Distress; Databases; Data Bases; data base; Ophthalmologist; Legal Blindness; Collaborations; Viridans Streptococci; viridans group streptococci; Streptococcus Viridans Group; Hour; vision loss; visual loss; Blindness; Perforation; Emergency Department; Emergency room; Accident and Emergency department; Medical center; Cell Growth in Number; Cell Multiplication; Cellular Proliferation; Cell Proliferation; Animal Models and Related Studies; model of animal; model organism; Animal Model; microbial; Devices; Regulation; Modeling; Adhesion Plaques; Cell-Matrix Adherens Junctions; Focal Contacts; Focal Adhesions; 3-10C; AMCF-I; CXCL8; GCP1; IL-8; IL8; K60; SCYB8; TSG-1; b-ENAP; IL8 gene; ERK 1; ERK1; ERK1 Kinase; Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase 1; MAP Kinase 3; MAPK3; MAPK3 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase; Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3; Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3 Gene; P44ERK1; PSTkinase p44mpk; p44 MAPK; MAPK3 gene; Antimicrobial resistant; Resistance to antimicrobial; anti-microbial resistance; anti-microbial resistant; resistance to anti-microbial; resistant to anti-microbial; resistant to antimicrobial; Antimicrobial Resistance; Defect; Bacterial Model; Cytokine Activation; pre-clinical testing; Preclinical Testing; Resolution; in vivo; in vivo Model; Clinical Treatment; trial regimen; trial treatment; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; SBIR; Small Business Innovation Research; healing; corneal repair; Outcome; PI3K/AKT; PI-3K/AKT; Consumption; Coupled; innovation; innovate; innovative; antimicrobial; anti-microbial; Microbe; prototype; preclinical safety; pre-clinical safety; Emergency department visit; ED visit; ER visit; Emergency care visit; Emergency hospital visit; Emergency room visit; Financial Hardship; financial burden; financial distress; financial strain; financial stress; regenerative repair