Company Profile

Peptide Logic LLC
Profile last edited on: 9/23/2020      CAGE: 726W8      UEI: WS12KZBLMDA1

Business Identifier: Peptide therapeutic modalities: semi-synthetic biologic
Year Founded
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Location Information

3210 Merryfield Row
San Diego, CA 92121
   (858) 333-2918
Location: Single
Congr. District: 50
County: San Diego

Public Profile

Currently resident in JLabs San Diego, CA, Peptide Logic is a biopharmaceutical company combining the advantages of synthetic peptides and recombinant antibodies to create transformative peptide-antibody conjugates (PACs) for pain and other selected therapeutic areas. To create the peptide-based drugs of the future, Peptide Logic is building a comprehensive and versatile peptide technology platform through in-licensing, partnerships, and internal development. Prescriptions for opiods have soared in the US, fueling an opioid crisis characterized by unprecedented levels of addiction, overdose, and death by overdose - underscoring theurgent need for non-addictive analgesics for moderate-to-severe pain as well as novel opioid overdose antidotes.Peptides Logic's most recently funded SBIR Phase II involves development of a novel, non-addictive, peripherally-restricted, and long-acting somatostatin receptor 4 (LA?SSTR4) agonists for the treatment of moderate-to-severe pain effectively offering the prospect of reduction of the need for opioid use.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Key People / Management

  Pierre Riviere -- Founder, President and CEO

  Glenn Croston -- Senior Director, Discovery Pharmacology

  Regent Laporte -- Senior Director, Translational Pharmacology

  Frank Porreca

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