Company Profile

Brimrose Technology Corporation (AKA: BTC)
Profile last edited on: 7/5/2022      CAGE: 4X5M1      UEI: WKDYRE26KLT7

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
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Location Information

Po Box 616 19 Loveton Circle
Sparks, MD 21152
   (410) 472-2600
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Baltimore

Public Profile

Founded as a spinoff from Brimsrose, a long time involved SBIR awardee in the early days of the porgram, Brimrose Corporation is a globally focused high-tech company involved with acousto-optic technology and advanced materials R&D. A core Brimrose technology is AOTF-NIR (acousto-optic tunable filters-near infrared). Brimrose's NIR spectrometers are based on AOTF. Brimrose has been a leader in miniaturizing and digitizing NIR spectrometers, including for PAT applications. Brimrose was chosen to develop space-qualified NIR analyzers as part of the Mars ROVER missions to investigate the surface and subsurface of that planet. The company also makes many AO components including AO modulators, AO tunable filters, RF drivers and frequency shifters for imaging and other applications. Brimrose also has done business with more than a dozen federal agencies, largely as part of its advanced materials' program. Exciting work in thermo-electric power generation and radiation detection is also leading to spinoff opportunities.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Key People / Management

  Ronald G Rosemeier -- President & CEO

  Andrea Arguelles

  Henry Chen

  Feng Jin -- Product Development Manager

  Joo-Soo Kim

  Yingyun Liu

  Diane Murray -- Contract Coordinator

  Jolanta Rosemeier -- CTO

  Jolanta I Soos -- Chief Technology Officer ; Acousto-Optic Manager

  Sudhir B Trivedi -- Principal Scientist; Director, Research & Development

  Chen Chia Wang

  Clayton Yang

  David Dajie Zhang

Company News

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