Company Profile

Cyrq Energy Inc (AKA: Raser Technologies Inc)
Profile last edited on: 9/21/2015      CAGE: 3YEN2      UEI: LEWHZ95MA7M5

Business Identifier: Geothermal power development and technology licensing company
Year Founded
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Location Information

136 South Main Street Suite 600
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
   (801) 765-1200
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Salt Lake

Public Profile

Formerly known as Raser Technologies, Inc., Cyrq Energy, Inc. is a renewable energy company, primarily focuses on geothermal power development. It has a geothermal power plant in southern Utah, as well as geothermal interests in various stages of development in New Mexico, Utah, Oregon, Nevada, and Indonesia. Cyrq Energy has a second focus improvement of electric motors and development of alternative energy sources. With an emphasis on increasing power and energy efficiency, Cyrq has developed an electric motor technology (Symetron) that can be integrated with existing electric motors used in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, hydraulic pumps, snowmobiles, and forklifts, as well as electric power generators. In addition to its electric motor technology business. With Raser Technologies having filed for Chapter 11 in April 2011, the company emerged from bankruptcy in September as Cyrq Energy, with new investors and fresh financial backing from Ormat Technologies Inc., a global geothermal technology company based in Reno, Nev. Two New York hedge funds, Tenor Capital and Linden Advisors, bought Cyrq out of bankruptcy.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2005 1 Army $69,750
Project Title: High Power Density, High Torque Density, Efficient Electric Motors and Generators/Alternators

Key People / Management

  Brent M Cook -- CEO/Director

  Schwartz Schwartz -- President

  Steven Brown -- Vice President Business Development

  Timothy D Fehr -- Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer

  James Spellman