Ternary Single Crystal Tonpilz Transducers with Reduced Side Lobes for Wide Angle Beam SteeringAward last edited on: 10/31/2018
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : NavyTotal Award Amount
$647,540Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
N142-111Principal Investigator
Raffi SahulCompany Information
TRS Technologies Inc (AKA: TRS Ceramics Inc)
2820 East College Avenue Suite J
State College, PA 16801
State College, PA 16801
(814) 238-7485 |
info@trstechnologies.com |
www.trstechnologies.com |
Location: Single
Congr. District: 15
County: Centre
Congr. District: 15
County: Centre
Phase I
Contract Number: N00014-15-P-1076Start Date: 10/27/2014 Completed: 2/23/2016
Phase I year
2015Phase I Amount
In fact, it has been shown for many sonar applications that single crystals can provide broadband response (bandwidth >>100%) and increased acoustic power in a much smaller transducer size that requires less electrical power. This makes single crystal sonar ideal for compact space and power constrained platforms such as towed minehunters, UUVs USVs, countermeasures, ACOMMS buoys, and torpedoes. All of these must operate in littoral waters, and all have missions that can benefit from broadband sonar
reduced side lobes, reduced side lobes, wide angle besm stearing, wideband frequency responce, Tonpilz transducer
Phase II
Contract Number: N00014-17-C-4004Start Date: 4/3/2017 Completed: 1/31/2019
Phase II year
2017Phase II Amount
It has been shown for many sonar applications that single crystals can provide broadband response (bandwidth >>100%) and increased acoustic power in a much smaller transducer size that requires less electrical power. This makes single crystal sonar ideal for compact space and power constrained platforms such as towed minehunters, UUV's USV's, countermeasures, ACOMMS buoys, and torpedoes. All of these must operate in littoral waters, and all have missions that can benefit from broadband sonar.
array fabrication, Beam Steering, Broad Bandwidth, Optimization, Single crystal transducers, side-lobe reduction