Clean Catalysts for Water Recovery Systems in Long-Duration Missions
Award last edited on: 11/9/2016

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Clifford D Jolly

Company Information

ELS Technology Inc~Environmental and Life Support Technologies Inc (AKA: ~Environmental &Life Support Technologies LLC)

6600 East Lookout Drive
Parker, CO 80138
   (720) 726-9525
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Douglas

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Oxidation catalysts based on innovative, physically-robust activated carbon materials containing dispersed noble metals are essential in process optimization for production of high-quality potable water in long-duration manned space missions. An innovative catalyst technology is proposed for development to a full-scale advanced life support and space station system size and configuration. The innovative support material is Porous Solid Carbon (PSC) monolith, which has been highly successful at small scale operation under previous programs, but has not been fully developed for spacecraft use to date. This material represents the state-of-the-art in advanced catalyst supports being developed for industrial applications. A catalytic oxidation process based on the PSC catalysts and operated at or below pasteurization temperatures is expected to meet NASA objectives at the minimum power/mass/consumables penalty. The key benefit of the PSC catalyst technology is that it has unsurpassed potential to exhibit the combination of physical stability and high catalytic activity over multi-year operational lives. The Phase I material development program will lay the foundation for an operational pilot system to be fabricated and delivered during the Phase II program.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
A catalytic post-processor is the last unit operation that reclaimed water typically sees before being consumed by the crew, therefore the entire sub-system must be safe, reliable and well-understood. The key innovation required to provide a sub-system for longer-term missions is to develop catalyst technologies that maintain a high degree of activity and physical stability over multi-year operational lives. The high catalytic activity of noble metals combined with the surface area and adsorptivity of activated carbon are the ideal combination of parameters for achieving the highest level of performance at the lowest penalty for a post-processing sub-system. The problem has been the physical breakdown of traditional activated carbon catalyst supports. To address this problem, the Phase I and previous intermittent research efforts have shown that noble metal catalysts supported on Porous Solid Carbon, exhibit superior physical properties to alumina, ceramic and granular activated carbon-supported catalysts currently used by NASA and throughout the chemical process industries. The Porous Solid Carbon-based catalysts are proposed due to their remarkable hardness and physical stability combined with their high surface area and surface activity. Phase I continued the successful demonstration and scale-up of the technology, demonstrating that the reactors can be manufactured with high surface area and porosity and good internal consistency, as well as demonstrating that the catalytic activity is extremely high under very mild conditions. The Porous Solid carbon reactor scale-up will be completed in Phase II to International Space Station-sized reactors that will be fabricated, tested and characterized using advanced analytical methods that will yield a fully quailifiable protocol for manufacturing the reactors for Phase III flight implementation.