Company Profile

Spinethera Inc
Profile last edited on: 10/13/22      CAGE: 6SCG3      UEI: GBWBLWKNCHY5

Business Identifier: Sustained-release, injectable drugs to treat pain: meet unique safety requirements for administration in/ near the spine
Year Founded
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Location Information

15600 Medina Road Suite 247
Plymouth, MN 55447
   (612) 444-1154
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Hennepin

Public Profile

SpineThera Inc is a pharmaceutical firm developing sustained-release, injectable drugs to meet the unique safety requirements for administration in and near the spine. The firm's lead drug product candidate utilizes patent protected sustained-release drug-delivery technology is designed to meet the specific and unique needs of epidural administration and back pain. The firm's technology has the potential significantly to extend the duration of back pain relief from a single epidural injection compared to the generic steroids which are routinely used off-label today. The active ingredient the firm's lead drug candidate is a synthetic adrenal corticosteroid with potent anti-inflammatory properties and that has been reformulated using SpineThera's sustained-release drug-delivery platform - encapsulating the ingredient into an injectable micro-suspension containing tiny biodegradable microspheres designed for epidural administration to provide opioid-free relief from lower-back pain for 60-90 days.Though having a limited SBIR presence, the firm was in receipt of a $2M award from US Army in 2017

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2015 1 NIH $224,577
Project Title: Sustained Release Steroid to Reduce Frequent Epidural Injections for Back Pain

Key People / Management

  Jeffrey Missling -- Founder and CEO

  Vicki Gashwiler -- Vice President of Clinical Operations

  Lee Hedlund -- Manufacturing Engineering Technician II

  Willliam Houghton -- Chief Medical Office

  Paul Lopez -- Executive Business Advisor

  Henry Meyer -- Principal Development Engineer

  Emily Meyering -- Vice President of Research & Development

  Celeste Ondich -- Quality Assurance Supervisor

  Mark Payne -- Chief Financial Officer

  Pamela Payne -- Quality Assurance Manager

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