Company Profile

Spheryx Inc
Profile last edited on: 7/25/23      CAGE: 785E5      UEI: LPR3TFP1VBB8

Business Identifier: Suspension analysis: biologic pharmaceuticals, semiconductor, water quality, and consumer products
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

330 East 38th Street Suite 48J
New York, NY 10016
   (212) 972-0290
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: New York

Public Profile

Spheryx, Inc. is an analytical services and instruments company with capabilities across a range of very diifferent use-areas -- food, instruments, consumer products, medical diagnostics, quality assurance, and manufacturing process control applications. With the firm's revolutionary technique -Total Holographic Characterization®, - Sheryx Inc delivers solutions desiged to provide a new window into suspensions at the sub-visible level. Suspensions are a part of our daily lives in areas as varied as electronics, pharmaceuticals and industrial fluids to water quality, cosmetics, chemicals and petroleum products. All of these products must be analyzed throughout the development, manufacturing and quality assurance processes to ensure product quality and consistency. Spheryx provides capabilities - npt previously available - to develop and monitor products and provide improved information and control. The results will be better, more effective products, less waste, and increased efficiency, producing cost savings and improved market share.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2021 2 NIH $3,931,823
Project Title: Instrument for Holographic Characterization of Protein Aggregates
2019 2 NSF $1,464,005
Project Title: Total Holographic Characterization of Colloids Through Holographic Video Microscopy

Key People / Management

  Laura Philips -- Founder & CEO

  Jaroslaw Blusewicz -- Director, Scientific Software Development

  Fook Chiong Cheong -- Co-Founder Chief Tcehnology Officer

  David G Grier -- Co-Founder and Chairman of Board

  Nancy Pearson -- Marketing Director

  David B Ruffner -- Vice-President, Research & Development

Company News

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