News Article

TTP Labtech Acquires Assets in Fluorescence Lifetime Technology
Date: Jan 09, 2014
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Featured firm in this article: Fluorescence Innovations Inc of Minneapolis, MN

Improvements in assay reagents and availability of high-throughput screen (HTS)-compatible readers has made fluorescence lifetime (FLT) technology a cost-effective screening technology. TTP Labtech has consolidated its position in the field with the purchase of assets from AssayMetrics Limited, a FLT company.

The acquisition enhances TTP Labtech's new Ameon system equipped with real-time decay curve analysis (RT-DCA), licensed from Fluorescence Innovations Inc. The Ameon is a next-generation FLT reader that provides a combination of speed, precision and data quality that can be exploited in HTS workflows.

"The development of the Ameon reader introduces an exciting new dimension to FLT technology giving researchers a step-change in sample throughput and data quality," said Greg Gillispie, president of Fluorescence Innovations.

"Reception to Ameon has been very positive with early feedback from beta-partners reporting superior tolerance to compound interference compared to established methodologies," commented Wayne Bowen, chief scientific officer of TTP Labtech. "Increasing access to relevant instrumentation is revealing the true potential of FLT for cost critical assays to the screening community."