News Article

Oricula Therapeutics moves to commercialize UW hearing research
Date: Apr 09, 2014
Author: Ben Miller
Source: bizjournals ( click here to go to the source)

Featured firm in this article: Oricula Therapeutics LLC of Seattle, WA

Oricula Therapeutics LLC said it's obtained funding and licensed intellectual property from University of Washington to begin commercialization of products it has developed targeting hearing loss.
The amount of funding obtained wasn't disclosed.
The 1-year-old Seattle biotech, which said it's "focused on introducing medications to preserve hearing and balance from the damaging effects of medications and aging," said its first product will "protect the inner ear from the damaging effects of antibiotics that are known to cause permanent hearing loss."
"These represent key steps toward achieving the company's vision to commercialize compounds it has developed to prevent certain types of hearing loss," Oricula Therapeutics said in a statement.