Elucidation of Antisickling Molecules in a Botanical with Antisickling ActivityAward last edited on: 3/29/2019
Sponsored Program
STTRAwarding Agency
NIH : NCCIHTotal Award Amount
$397,926Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
213Principal Investigator
Robert SwiftCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R41AT008000-01Start Date: 9/1/2013 Completed: 1/31/2015
Phase I year
2013Phase I Amount
$397,926Public Health Relevance Statement:
Public Health Relevance:
This proposal supports development of a botanical to treat sickle cell disease in children. Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects ovr 100,000 persons in the U.S. Those affected often have high medical costs, a poor quality of life, and early death. The development of this drug addresses a critical unmet medical to treat this disease in children.
NIH Spending Category:
Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Hematology; Orphan Drug; Pain Conditions - Chronic; Pain Research; Rare Diseases; Sickle Cell Disease
Project Terms:
Address; Adult; Adverse effects; Affect; Africa; Age; Analgesics; Anemia; Antineoplastic Agents; Attention; Biological Assay; Blood flow; Bone Marrow Transplantation; Botanicals; Cell Shape; Cessation of life; Child; Chronic; Clinical Data; Communities; cost; Coupled; Data; Developing Countries; Development; Disease; Disease Progression; drug development; Drug usage; effective therapy; Erythrocytes; Event; FDA approved; Folic Acid; Fractionation; Funding; Genes; Globin; Goals; Grant; Hematological Disease; Hemoglobin; Hereditary Disease; HIV; Human; hydroxyurea; Hyperviscosity; Hypoxia; In Vitro; in vitro Assay; in vivo; Infection; Infection prevention; Influenza vaccination; Inherited; International; intravenous injection; Iron Overload; Killings; Laboratories; Lead; Left; Legal patent; Liquid Chromatography; Liquid substance; Manuscripts; Mass Spectrum Analysis; Measures; Medical; Medical Care Costs; Molecular; Morbidity - disease rate; Mortality Vital Statistics; mouse model; Mutation; Neurocognitive; Nigeria; Niprisan; novel therapeutics; Organ; Organ failure; Pain; Pathogenesis; Patients; Penicillins; Persons; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Phase; Plant Leaves; polymerization; Polymers; Preparation; prevent; Procedures; Process; Property; public health relevance; Publishing; Quality of life; Reaction; Renal function; Research; scale up; Sickle Cell; Sickle Cell Anemia; sickle cell crisis; sickling; Signs and Symptoms; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Sorghum (Plant); Spleen; stroke; Structure; Supportive care; Symptoms; Testing; Therapeutic Agents; Tissues; Traditional Medicine; Transfusion; Transgenic Mice; Transgenic Organisms; United States; United States National Institutes of Health; Universities; Variant
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00