News Article

Spin Diagnostics, Inc. Presents At Southwest Bio Venture Conference
Date: Oct 19, 2005
Source: Device Space ( click here to go to the source)

Featured firm in this article: Spin Diagnostics Inc of Houston, TX

AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 10 /PRNewswire/ -- CN Group and Texas Healthcare and Bioscience Institute announced that Dr. Shishir Shah, president of Spin Diagnostics, will be presenting today at the fourth annual Southwest Bio Venture Conference & Symposium. Shah is scheduled to outline the company's breakthrough SICAP technology that is revolutionizing the field of cellular analysis by combining flow cytometry with high-throughput microscopy, and a unique use of gravity.

The company is developing the next generation of instrumentation capable of high-throughput, high-content screening: analyzing living and dead cells, body fluids, and cellular constituents that will be used in the research market for drug discovery programs and the clinical markets for disease diagnosis. The core technology platform supports a universal format for sample handling and provides unprecedented capability in high-throughput imaging and analysis of cells and its constituents at speeds that are 10- to 100-fold faster than existing technologies.

The Southwest Bio Venture Conference & Symposium, currently being held at the Hyatt Regency in Houston, features select visionaries and expert keynote speakers. Spin Diagnostic will be among 15 of the best life science, biotech, medical and healthcare prospects for venture capital investments in Texas and the Southwestern United States. The event is being attended by 450 attendees, representing some of the country's leading venture capital firms, angels and strategic corporate investment executives.

"The initial impact of Spin Diagnostics' products will be on the markets of high-throughout high-content screening; flow cytometry; adsorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion (ADME) and toxicology profiling; and clinical diagnostics," said Shah. The early users will include pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and basic research institutions. Because high- content systems provide several answers simultaneously with a significant reduction in time and costs, it simply makes sense to gather as much information as possible from each screen or assay. Currently, the biggest obstacle to adopting high-content systems in the existing discovery and research processes is speed. Spin has already solved this problem."

About Spin Diagnostics
Spin Diagnostics was founded in March 2002 and is headquartered in Houston, Texas. Headed by Dr. Shishir Shah, the company has completed prototype development and has demonstrated the technology's validity and advantages in high throughput cellular analysis. Beta testing of the research line of SICAP products is under way with collaborators at two independent research institutions. The company plans on introducing its first instrument along with consumables in the second quarter of 2004.

For additional information, please contact Dr. Shishir Shah at 281-333-0009, or by e-mail at .

About CN Group
CN Group helps build growth companies through three business efforts. CN Events produces the leading Venture Capital, Private Equity and Angel Investor gatherings in the Southwest. CN Management Services assists companies in building their management team and Board and Advisory Boards. Capital Network Securities, an NASD-approved investment bank, provides merger and acquisition advisory services, and capital-raising services for select growth companies. For more information please visit .

About Texas Healthcare and Bioscience Institute
Texas Healthcare and Bioscience Institute (THBI) is a public policy research organization whose members consist of biotechnology, medical device, and pharmaceutical companies; academic and private research institutions; chambers of commerce; and local and regional economic development foundations. The mission of THBI is to research, develop and advocate policies that promote life science innovation in Texas. For more information, visit .