News Article

SGL's Adaptive Mobile Learning: The New Software - as - a - Service Make s Adaptive Learning Available to Masses (AMOL)
Date: Aug 14, 2012
Source: ( click here to go to the source)

Featured firm in this article: Synaptic Global Learning LLC of Boston, MA

The next generation of the Adaptive Mobile Learning (AMOL) is here.
Synaptic Global
Learning's (SGL) AMOL supports classroom and online instruction on mobile devices
(iPad1/2, Android Tablets) with
incredible success by increasing student online course
completion rates. Educational programs that have used AMOL
4DL HITE demonstrate
the highest rate of course completion in online education (90
95%). It is being adopted
nationally and internationally,
by K
12 and university practitioners.
4DL HITE Technology
moves away from the one
all online LMS platforms
and provides instructional content that responds to users' learning preferences, in real
SGL, a United States Distance Lea
rning Association (USDLA) 21st Century Sponsor,
offers the only patented software
service adaptive learning technology platform to
educational institutions for the design, development and deployment of online
For the first time, authors, ed
ucators, designers, and developers can create
their own courses and generate revenue for themselves and their institutions.
For a
small subscription fee, courses are available for purchase at SGL's Course Store.
Our model allows you to create your own A
daptive Mobile Learning courses using SGL's
progressive application suite:

(Adaptive Mobile Learning): Our powerful, adaptive, data driven learning
technology platform.
It replaces old LMS technology with a personalized
learning experience;

(Instructional Designer): Our taxonomy
driven design and
organizational tool that features five instructional pathways
incidental, inductive, deductive, and discovery;

: Our powerful quiz generation tool to create pre
and post
and diagnosis.
Graded multiple
choice, true/false, and matching quizzes
determine concept mastery;

(Knowledge Asset Manager): Our sophisticated taxonomy
based concept
and content repository.
It stores all your courses developed wit
h the
iDesigner tool and also maintains all multimedia and content assets with
metadata. This repository can be used to build more courses, with different
concept maps as needed;

(Multimedia Authoring Engine):
Our dynamic, easy to use authoring
ronment for creating highly interactive activities in HTML5 or Flash; and

(Pedagogical Effectiveness Index):
Our five
factored, multi
assessment and evaluation instrument for rating online courses and programs.
Insitutional/Campany Memeb
Businesses can take advantage of our unique AMOL Software service at the corporate
rate of $149.99/ month.
This allows unlimited access for three users.
You can try
before you buy with a free, individual membership that will last for 30 days.
contact SGL marketing/sales staff
to set
up a per
user technology fee for students to
access their accounts.
Adaptive Mobile Learning (AMOL) on iPad
7.0 version is now available
to deliver
AMOL Cloud
based courses on
mobile devices, supported by Apple and Android operating systems on iPad, iPod,
iPhone, Android Phones, and Windows Mobile phones.
Your mobile devices will be
connected to
AMOL Cloud
services (24x7) and online course
s and training will be at your
fingertips on the mobile devices of your choice.
This is truly anywhere, anytime, and
anyway access to your courses.
The AMOL SAAS subscription model has the following