Company Profile

Ntrepid Corporation
Profile last edited on: 7/24/15      CAGE:       UEI: DH3LFS1ELS76

Business Identifier: Cyber security solutions
Year Founded
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Location Information

12801 Worldgate Drive Suite 800
Herndon, VA 20170
   (571) 612-8361
Location: Single
Congr. District: 11
County: Fairfax

Public Profile

Ntrepid is a software, hardware, and cyber security company, registered in Florida and based in Herndon, VA. In 2008, the Anonymizer company was acquired by the Abraxas Corporation, which was itself purchased by Cubic in 2010 Some of Abraxas' former employees left to form Ntrepid that same year. Lance Cottrell, founder of Anonymizer, is the chief scientist at Ntrepid. Anonymizer is wholly owned by Ntrepid. In March 2011, Ntrepid won a $2.76 million contract from the U.S. military for "online persona management. The contract was for the creation of technology which would allow for blogging activities on websites, exclusively outside of the United States, to "counter violent extremist and enemy propaganda. It would allow for one operator to anonymously create and control up to ten personas from one computer. Each persona would have a background, history, supporting details, and cyber presence that is consistent from a technical, cultural, and geographic standpoint. ]mproving Data Harvesting, Malware Protection, International Data Scraping Episode, Cookies and Web Scraping, Browser Fingerprints and Scraping

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Key People / Management

  Charles Englehart -- President

  Richard Helms -- Founder And Chief Executive

  Ben Adams -- Vice President Of Engineering

  Ramzi Asmar -- Director of Product Strategy

  Chris Bertolero -- Director Of Network Operations

  Roger Carroll -- VP Professional Services

  Lance Cottrell -- Chief Scientist

  Teddy Lindsey -- Executive Vp

  Mike Martinka -- Executive VP

  Tamaika Menefee -- Director Of Product Management

  R K Prasanth

  Jordan Price -- Director Of Contracts

  Sharon Shepherd -- Corporate Controller