An oncologist contemplating treatment for diarrhea in a patient on paclitaxel, may find reports ofuseful. Intelligent software agents, or mediators, can span the gap between the point of care and treference to paclitaxel and diarrhea in a Computer-based Patient Record (CPR), one kind of mediatorneed for these reports and search for them in PDQ, CANCERLIT, and other knowledge sources. Mediatorand other tasks by making use of a domain model that relates the attributes found in the CPR to thosknowledge sources. Phase I will focus on the development and testing of prototype mediators and thefeatures of the domain model that will be required to make them work. Phase II will implement theseand the required domain model. Maintenance of the domain model will be aided by connections to theLanguage System (UMLS). Clinical Information System (CIS) and CPR vendors now recognize the commercbringing knowledge to the point of care; mediators offer a standard, incremental, and generalizableaccomplishing this objective.