Company Profile

Charles River Analytics Inc
Profile last edited on: 4/2/21      CAGE: 9W641      UEI: DD1BYN8SN355

Business Identifier: R&D solutions for increasingly complex and important human-systems challenges
Year Founded
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Location Information

625 Mount Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
   (617) 491-3474
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 05
County: Middlesex

Public Profile

A longtime and extensively involved SBIR-STTR participant, Charles River Analytics, Inc. develops and delivers(AI) intelligent systems: robotic platforms and multi-agent systems for information management, command, and control applications (human-machine interface). The firm's products include cognitive, sensor processing and networking, and decision management systems. Included are BNet, tools for condensing about causes and effects into a network of probabilities; VisionKit, a computer vision system that enables computers to automate repetitive visual tasks; Verideo, a software tool for truthing and annotating video imagery; AgentWorks, an application for graphically designing, building, and testing intelligent systems; and Connect, a customizable and ontology-based network analysis toolkit. It also develops mixed-technology architectures that integrate various algorithmic, subsymbolic, and symbolic techniques, including Bayesian belief networks, case-based reasoning, data mining, expert systems, genetic algorithms, neural networks, and argumentation systems. In addition, it offers outsourced software development in the areas of simulation and modeling; computer vision systems research and development; and decision aiding systems development.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Karen A Harper -- President and Principal Scientist

  Greg L Zacharias -- President and Senior Principal Scientist

  Vitaly Ablavsky

  Arjuna Balasuriya

  David Blumstein

  Bethany K Bracken -- Senior Scientist

  Catherine Call

  Madison Clark-Turner

  Ernest Vincent Cross

  Austin Crumpton

  Mukesh Dalal

  Subrata K Das

  Phillip Desrochers

  David Dewhurst

  Tracey Dodenhoff -- Commercial Solutions

  Rebecca Dornin

  Jeff Druce -- Scientist

  Daniel J Duggan

  Ross S Eaton -- Senior Scientist

  Seth Elkin-Frankston

  Leonard Eusebi -- Scientist

  Christopher Farnham

  Michael Farry -- Vice President, Socio-Cognitive Systems ; Principal Scientist

  Alex Feinman

  Mark Felix

  B Adrian Flowers

  Gerald Fry -- Scientist

  Alexander Gee

  Stan German

  Alex Godwin

  Paul G Gonsalves -- Vice President

  Joseph Gorman -- Principal Software Engineer

  Dan L Grecu

  Sean Guarino -- Principal Scientist

  Daniel Gutchess

  Mark L Hanson

  Michael Harradon

  Scott Harrison

  Lauren Hinkle -- Scientist

  Stephen S Ho

  Steve Hookway -- Senior Software Engineer

  Christopher Hopkins

  Drew Housten

  Christine Illgen

  Jennifer Jacoby

  Caroline Jenkins

  Michael Jenkins -- Principal Scientist

  Todd Jennings

  Stephanie Kane -- Senior Scientist

  David Kelle

  Ryan M Kilgore

  Michael King

  David Koelle -- Director of Engineering

  Susan Latiff

  David Lawless

  Stephen Lipschultz

  Corey Lofdahl

  Ryan Loyall -- Principal Scientist

  Kenny Lu

  Spencer Lynn

  Sam Mahoney -- Vice President, Business Processes and Systems ; Principal Scientist

  Tyler Mayer

  James M Mazzu

  Jonah C Mcbride

  Ashley Mcdermott

  Nicolette Mcgeorge -- Scientist

  Max Metzger

  Daniel Mitchell

  Camille Monnier -- Senior Scientist

  Vanessa Moody

  Sandeep S Mulgund

  Caroline Niehaus

  James M Niehaus -- Principal Scientist

  Ashley Nunes

  Alison O'Connor

  Michael O'meara -- Senior Robotics Software Engineer

  Charles P Park

  Terry Patten

  Jonathan D Pfautz -- Vice President, Cognitive Systems and Principal Scientist

  Avi Pfefferle

  Scott S Potter

  Kevin Procopio

  Brian Prue -- Senior Scientist

  Scott K Ralph

  Fred Reed

  Scott Neal Reilly -- Senior Vice President ; Principal Scientist

  Steve Renner

  Donald S Reynolds -- Vice President, Finance and Administration

  Marc Richards

  Warren Rik

  Victoria Romero

  Brad Rosenberg -- Vice President, Decision Management ; Principal Scientist

  Harald Ruda

  Brian Ruttenberg

  Roger Schane -- VP, Business Development

  Bruce Skarin

  Amy Sliva

  Laura Smith-Velazquez

  Magnus S Snorrason

  David Southard

  Mark R Stevens

  Daniel Stouch

  Andrew Stout

  Erik Thomsen

  Wayne Thornton

  James Tittle

  Sean Michael Tobyne

  Deborah Jessica Voge

  Martin Voshell

  Peter Weyhrauch -- Vice President, Human Effectiveness ; Principal Scientist

  Aaron T Winder

  Arthur Wollocko

  Richard Wronski -- Vice President, Sensor Processing & Networking and Principal Scientist

  Curtis Wu

  Andrew Young