MC3 Inc (AKA: Michigan Critical Care Consultants Inc~MC3 Inc) Profile last edited on: 6/20/2013
Medical devices addressing acute and chronic unmet cardiopulmonary clinical needs Year Founded
1991Last Involved Year
N/AKey People / Management
Location Information
2555 Bishop Circle West
Dexter, MI 48130
Dexter, MI 48130
(734) 995-9089 |
www.mc3corp.com |
Public Profile
Founded as MC3 Inc, a spin-off from the University of Michigan, for three decades the firm has worked in the space of artificial heart and lung technologies and has conducted important translational research to serve the extracorporeal life support community by solving complex clinical technology challenges. Under new ownership (2019) and a changed name - MC3 Cardiopulmonary (fka MC3, Inc.), he company has entered a new chapter as a healthcare device provider under the new ownership by a medical device manufacturing player with a keen focus on cardiopulmonary devices solutions. The company is re-imagined as MC3 Cardiopulmonary, with the vision and goal to serve the global community by creating life restoring medical devices that address acute and chronic unmet cardiopulmonary clinical needs. ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) is the most advanced form of life support, allowing gas exchange through blood carried outside of the body, instead of the airway. MC3 Cardiopulmonary is structured around developing innovative, safe, and effective ECMO products. Together with the ECMO community and the firm's strategic global distribution partner Medtronic, the effort is also now to address healthcare concerns by delivering ECMO broadly to patients suffering from acute respiratory and cardiac failure across a wide therapy spectrum.
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