TechSeeker Profile

EBSCO Publishing Inc
Profile last edited on: 7/1/2013

provides online research database and eBooks in the United States and internationally
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Key People / Management

  Tim Collins -- President

Location Information

10 Estes Street
Ipswich, MA 01938
   (978) 356-6500

Public Profile

EBSCO Publishing, Inc. offers online databases. The company’s suites provide information on online magazines and journals, medical researches, nursing resources, point-of-care synthesized evidences, patient education materials, and social work contents. It markets its product under the EBSCOhost brand name. EBSCO Publishing also owns the AgeLine database which is an online bibliographic database focused on the subject of aging and middle-aged and older adults. It also owns Criminal Justice Abstracts and Communications Abstracts which are refined, specialized collections in their subject areas. Criminal Justice Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to criminal justice and criminology and includes subject areas like criminology, criminal justice, corrections and prisons, criminal investigation, forensic sciences and investigation, substance abuse and addiction, and probation and parole. Communications Abstracts offers information about communication related publications contains records on communication abstracts covering major journals in communication, mass media, and other closely related fields of study for research and reference resource that encompasses communication discipline. Its coverage includes interpersonal communication and relations, communication, culture and society, communication regulation and the law, organizational communication, public relations, advertising, marketing, and consumer behavior, pop culture and the media, journalism and news media, communication and information technology, and telecommunications. The company caters to colleges, universities, government institutions, corporations, K-12 schools, and public libraries

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