Development and Validation of Test for Gastro-Esophageal Reflux with AspirationAward last edited on: 9/11/13
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NHLBITotal Award Amount
$339,824Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Igor GondaCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43HL120427-01Start Date: 8/5/13 Completed: 7/31/14
Phase I year
2013Phase I Amount
$339,824Public Health Relevance Statement:
Public Health Relevance:
Microaspiration of gastric fluid into the respiratory tract (GER with aspirations) is suspected to be the cause of multiple severe respiratory diseases, yet there is no simple non-invasive method for routine clinical practice to detect this problem and investigate the results of interventions to stop it. We are developing a simple method based on ingestion of an oral liquid preparation containing two safe non-radioactive markers administered at night followed by urine and sputum collection to detect the markers of aspiration. If we find a significant difference between patients known to have GER with aspirations and healthy subjects with either of the two markers, we plan to make this diagnostic method commercially available for routine clinical practice.
Project Terms:
Adverse effects; Alcohol or Other Drugs use; analytical tool; aqueous; base; Biological Assay; chemical stability; clinical practice; Clinical Research; Collection; commercial application; Cromoglicic Acid; Cromolyn Sodium; Cystic Fibrosis; Detection; Development; Diagnostic Procedure; Diagnostic tests; Doctor of Philosophy; Dose; Esophageal; Evaluation; Fluorescein; Future; Gastroesophageal reflux disease; Government; Hamman-Rich syndrome; Hospitals; Hour; Human; Ingestion; Intervention; Intestines; Laboratories; Legal patent; Liquid substance; Literature; Lung; Lung diseases; Lung Transplantation; Manometry; Measures; Methods; Monitor; Oral; Oral Administration; Oropharyngeal; particle; Patients; Persons; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Phase; phase 2 study; Pilot Projects; Preparation; Process; public health relevance; Quality Control; Radioactive; Radionuclide Imaging; Recovery; Recurrence; Reflex action; Reflux; Reporting; Research; Respiratory System; Respiratory tract structure; Saliva; Sampling; Secondary to; Sedimentation process; Simulate; Sleep; Solutions; Sphincter; Sputum; Stomach; Suspension substance; Suspensions; Testing; tool; trend; Urine; Validation; Waxes; young adult
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00