Principal of the firm is now a Porfessor at the LSU Haelth Science Center in Shreveport, LA . Work ongoing in the laboratory is th study the role of energy metabolism in the growth and survival of neuronal cells. More specifically, characterizing the mechanisms involved in the regulation of glucose transport in neurons. Uptake of glucose is mediated by a family of glucose transport (GLUT) proteins; GLUT3 is the major transporter of neuronal cells. Unique monoclonal antibodies against GLUT3 have been produced that will allow study of any changes in cell surface expression or phosphorylation of GLUT3 that accompany upregulation of glucose transport. Certain antipsychotic drugs inhibit glucose uptake apparently independent of their effects on dopamine receptors. Moreover, the sensitivity of neuronal cells to the cytostatic effects of ethanol is determined, in part, by their rate of glucose metabolism.