During Phase I, Xtalic demonstrated the production of a new family of lightweight, high strength, good ductility alloys on a bulk scale; these alloys exhibit potential beyond the classical engineering metals suite. The scientific and engineering groundwork that has been established for electrodeposited nanostructured Al alloys (nano-Al) will be employed in this proposed Phase II project. The four main objectives are: (i) address technical aspects of large-scale production, (ii) demonstrate a production rate of 100 kg/day, (iii) develop and refine the process to reliably fabricate nano-Al alloys with properties demonstrated in Phase I and (iv) continue metallurgical analysis and mechanical testing. To achieve these goals, Xtalic will (i) design and construct a continuous reel-to-reel plating line, (ii) improve and optimize processing conditions to increase the manufacturing rate, (iii) expand the operating window and develop strategies to maintain consistent operating conditions and (iv) investigate and elucidate the deformation behavior of nano-Al alloys under unaxial tension tests at different rates and annealing conditions, as well as conduct biaxial tests to assess the formability of nano-Al sheets. Successful completion of the proposed work will demonstrate the feasibility of fabricating this new class of alloys at economically viable rates and volumes, as well as identify suitable applications for more rapid commercialization efforts.
Keywords: Nanostructured Aluminum Alloys, High-Strength, High Toughness, Bulk Electroforming, Continuous Sheet Production, Bulk Mechanical Properties, Strain Rate Sensitivity, Formabili