Contact Site Mapping Of Transient Protein-Protein Complexes At The Molecular LeveAward last edited on: 9/20/13
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIGMSTotal Award Amount
$159,691Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Yumei HuangCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43GM103681-01A1Start Date: 9/11/12 Completed: 3/10/13
Phase I year
2012Phase I Amount
$159,691Public Health Relevance:
Transient protein-protein interactions are essential for the biological actions of nearly all cellular functions, including membrane proteins, which are the target of half of all drug development efforts in the existing pharmaceutical market. Despite their importance, little information is available about membrane protein-protein interactions at the atomic level. This proposal aims to continue the development of a novel approach for determining transient protein complex structures using photocrosslinking, mass spectroscopy, and molecular modeling. This approach can serve as a powerful platform for the discovery of novel treatment strategies and rational design of new drug candidates.
Public Health Relevance Statement:
Transient protein-protein interactions are essential for the biological actions of nearly all cellular functions, including membrane proteins, which are the target of half of all drug development efforts in the existing pharmaceutical market. Despite their importance, little information is available about membrane protein-protein interactions at the atomic level. This proposal aims to continue the development of a novel approach for determining transient protein complex structures using photocrosslinking, mass spectroscopy, and molecular modeling. This approach can serve as a powerful platform for the discovery of novel treatment strategies and rational design of new drug candidates.
NIH Spending Category:
Bioengineering; Biotechnology
Project Terms:
Affinity; Affinity Chromatography; Aldehydes; alpha Subunit Transducin; Amino Acids; analytical method; base; Biological; Biological Models; Biological Process; Biotechnology; Bovine Serum Albumin; carbene; Cell Cycle Regulation; Cell physiology; Cells; Collaborations; Complex; Computer software; Coupled; covalent bond; crosslink; Databases; design; Detection; Development; Diagnostic Procedure; Disulfides; drug candidate; drug development; Elements; Ensure; Exhibits; functional group; G-Protein-Coupled Receptors; Gel; gel electrophoresis; Gene Expression; Goals; Government; Industry; Institution; interest; ionization; Ions; Label; Link; Macromolecular Complexes; Maps; Marketing; Mass Spectrum Analysis; Membrane Proteins; method development; Methodology; Methods; Modeling; Molecular; molecular modeling; Molecular Models; new technology; new therapeutic target; NIH Program Announcements; novel; novel diagnostics; novel strategies; Oximes; Pattern; Peptide Fragments; Peptides; Pharmacologic Substance; Phase; photolysis; Physiological; Play; Preparation; protein complex; protein crosslink; protein protein interaction; Proteins; Proteomics; Reagent; Reporting; Research; response; Rhodopsin; Role; Sampling; Sepharose; Signal Transduction; Site; Software Tools; Solid; Structure; Techniques; Technology; Testing; tool; Transducin; treatment strategy; Trypsin; Work
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00