Roll to Roll (R2R) printing, or web printing involves the patterning of flexible materials such as plastics or metal foils. R2R processing is in use today by industry and many R2R processes already exist for etch and deposition. However R2R patterning of arbitrary patterns with thin residual layer control at the nanoscale is far more challenging, particularly at a cost structure suited for commodity applications. If successful, the potential applications include flexible displays, and many types of nanophotonic devices including wire grid polarizers, and solar devices. The challenge, as always, is to create a process that is scalable and meets defectivity, throughput and cost of ownership requirements.
Keywords: Jet And Flash Imprint Lithography, J-Fil, Imprint Lithography, Roll-To-Roll Imprint Lithography, R2r, Nanophotonic Devices, Wire Grid Polarizers, Metasurface Structures