A novel high performance, lightweight vehicle armor system for the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) is proposed. Following past work with perforated metals for weight efficient armor, the present work examines ceramic-based armor systems where the ceramic component has a novel design (e.g., perforations). The program will combine the strengths of the team members to yield an optimum product, namely M Cubeds expertise with high performance reaction bonded ceramics, and BAEs vast experience with the design and manufacture of armor systems. Specific activities in the proposed Phase I work plan are (i) developing a novel modular vehicle armor design that contains ceramic tiles of novel configuration, (ii) assessing manufacturability of the novel armor systems, (iii) demonstrating ballistic performance using standardized flat test panels, and (iv) production and testing of full-scale panels. A subsequent Phase II program would optimize performance and scale-up fabrication and testing activities.
Keywords: Reaction Bonding, Reaction Bonding, Efv, Ceramics, Vehicle Armor, Silicon Carbide