Company Profile

SoftEar Technologies LLC
Profile last edited on: 3/5/21      CAGE:       UEI:

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
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Location Information

175 Brookhollow
Harahan, LA 70123
   (877) 763-8327
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Jefferson Parish

Public Profile

SoftEar Technologies, L.L.C., is a research and development corporation dedicated to the advancement of hearing aid technology. The firm concentrates on technology that allows hearing aids to be soft and flexible. In 1999, Siemens Hearing Instruments and SoftEar Technologies announced the signing of a memo of understanding for Siemens to purchase an exclusive licensing agreement for SoftEar's soft-solid hearing aid body technology. SoftEar is a revolutionary new hearing aid design that will allow licensed manufacturers to produce a hearing instrument that will remain completely soft, completely solid (no air space inside) and will never harden, crack, shrink or discolor. This proprietary new soft-solid technology provides the platform that allows hearing aids to be everything they are designed to be. Finally, full access to state-of-the-art electronics with unprecedented comfort.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2000 1 NIH $99,237
Project Title: Benefits of a Soft-Solid Hearing Instrument

Key People / Management

  Roger P Juneau -- President

Company News

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