Company Profile

Language Computer Corporation (AKA: LCC)
Profile last edited on: 11/13/2018      CAGE: 1WMK1      UEI: JL6ZMGQCB2U6

Business Identifier: Natural language processing technologies: semantic search capabilities
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

2435 North Central Expressway Suite 1200
Richardson, TX 75080
   (972) 231-0052
Location: Single
Congr. District: 32
County: Dallas

Public Profile

Language Computer Corporation (LCC) is organized around the development - and commercialization - of next-generation natural language processing technologies. Working in the natural language processing, LCC personnel havie created state-of-the-art systems for named entity recognition, customizable information extraction, temporal and spatial normalization, textual inference, automatic question-answering, and multi-document summarization. LCC's primary mission is to develop, market, and support the types of innovative software solutions users need to unlock value from unstructured texts in any language. Language Computer's products are supported by four different research and development teams: a text processing group which focuses on the annotation of English and foreign-language texts, an information extraction group devoted to the extraction of entities, attributes, relationships, and events mentioned in texts, a content personalization group which develops the core customization engines used in a number of LCC's products, and finally, a question answering group dedicated to creating a robust semantic search capability.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2022 2 Army $1,699,579
Project Title: Automatic Detection Of Analyst-Relevant Nuggets (ADORN)
2021 2 NGA $999,935
Project Title: Cross-Lingual Unsupervised Extraction (CLUE)
2020 1 AF $49,994
Project Title: ENCORE: Equipment Name Coreference Resolution
2019 2 DTRA $1,149,868
Project Title: Plan Learning Across Textual Observations (PLATO)
2019 1 SOCOM $149,966
Project Title: Distributed Knowledge Graph Service (DINLAS)

Key People / Management

  John Lehmann -- CEO and President

  Paul Aarseth

  Mithun Balakrishna

  David Bracewell

  Sanda Harabagiu

  Andrew Hickl

  Finley Lacatusu -- Vice President (Operations)

  Michael Mohler

  Sean Monahan -- Vice President of Engineering

  Ian Niles

  Bryan Rink

  Mihai Surdeanu

  Marc Tomlinson