3DPT3D Periodic Table for Predicting Human Health Risks of NanoparticlesAward last edited on: 1/31/2012
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : AFTotal Award Amount
$99,170Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
AF103-031Principal Investigator
Matthew HullCompany Information
NanoSafe Inc
1800 Kraft Drive Suite 107
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Blacksburg, VA 24060
(540) 443-9287 |
info@nanosafeinc.com |
www.nanosafeinc.com |
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09
County: Montgomery
Congr. District: 09
County: Montgomery
Phase I
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: ---- Completed: ----
Phase I year
2011Phase I Amount
The proposed research offers the potential to significantly enhance Air Force ability to accurately identify and manage nanotechnology human health risks, with strong potential for extrapolation to general use by the greater research community. In particular, the proposed electronic database will integrate into a single location, information on basic properties of nanoscale materials (such as size, surface area, etc.) and their reported toxicological effects and fate/transport as measured in vitro and in vivo. This will facilitate efforts already underway at Air Force research laboratories to develop assays and characterization approaches suitable for assessing the human health risks of nanoscale materials. Ultimately, this work will contribute substantially to DOD efforts to improve military operations through applications of nanotechnology while simultaneously ensuring the safety and sustainability of these operations.
Nano, Nanoparticle, Toxicity, Qsar, Materials, Silver, In Vitro, In Vivo
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: ---- Completed: ----