Multifunction X-band Phased Array Antenna for Air/Space Surveillance and Space Operations
Award last edited on: 2/1/2013

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Robert G Schmier

Company Information

Alpha Omega Electromagnetics LLC (AKA: AOE)

24 Cascade Road
Arnold, MD 21012
   (410) 626-7682
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Anne Arundel

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The objective of this Phase I SBIR effort is to develop and demonstrate a multifunction, multi-beam X-band subarray that is capable of simultaneously supporting communications for satellite operations and radar for air/space surveillance. Under this proposed effort, Alpha Omega Electromagnetics and Princeton Microwave will conduct both mechanical and electrical evaluations and analysis of several phased array architectures with the objective of developing and demonstrating a multifunction, multi-beam X-band subarray. The focus of the investigations will be at the antenna subarray level because the subarray will serve as the building block for a larger antenna array. Some of the primary elements of investigation will be the system architecture, triplexer performance requirements and potential architectures to achieve high isolation, compact low cost T/R channel design, aperture thermal performance and radiating aperture candidates. Results from this investigation will then be used to select a final candidate subarray architecture for design, fabrication and demonstration in a follow-on Phase II effort.

The results of this research will provide one of the critical technologies needed to support the realization of a large, hemispherical phased array antenna capable of horizon-to-horizon coverage. This array will be capable of providing multiple links to simultaneously support several control operations ranging from low altitude to geostationary satellites at different directions. It will simultaneously allow for radar surveillance operations. The resulting subarray technology should have far reaching applications including serving as a basic building block of an ESA for the air and space traffic control, homeland defense, cruise missile defense as well as satellite communication. An additional application of the aperture technology developed under this SBIR will be for mobile applications where the subarray (or groups of subarrays) alone will serve as the complete functional antenna.

Electronic Scanned Array, Multi-Beam Phased Array, Communications, Satellite Operations And Control, Radar, Space Situational Awareness (Ssa)

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The objective of this Phase II SBIR effort is to develop and demonstrate a multifunction, multi-beam X-band subarray that is capable of simultaneously supporting air/satellite communications and radar for air/space surveillance. Under this proposed effort, Alpha Omega Electromagnetics and Princeton Microwave will focus on a subarray that forms the basic building block of the Electronically Scanned Array (ESA) and that can operate with either two X-band communication beams or one communication beam and one X-band radar beam. Under Phase I of the effort, AOE and PMT investigated possible X-band ESA concepts and architectures that can achieve simultaneous multiple-beam communication and radar operations. Under Phase II, this same team will perform numerical simulations to refine design trade-offs in terms of communication and radar operation and performance, as well as fabrication, reliability and cost. Finally, in Phase II, a small subarray will be fabricated and tested in a far-field range. The resulting subarray technology should have far reaching applications including serving as a basic building block of an ESA for the air and space traffic control, homeland defense, cruise missile defense and satellite communication.

The resulting subarray technology developed under this proposed effort will support the realization of a large phased array antenna capable of broad field of view coverage. The array will be capable of multi-beam, simultaneous transmit and receive operation. It will be capable of providing multiple links to support several air and SATCOM links while simultaneously allowing for radar operations for space surveillance. An additional application of the aperture technology developed under this SBIR will be for mobile applications where a single subarray (or small groups of subarrays) will serve as the complete functional antenna.

electronic scanned array, multi-beam phased array, communications, satellite communications, radar, space situational awareness