In 2008, Larry Fullerton made a fundamental discovery in magnetism. That discovery has led to the development of permanent magnets with programmed spatial force curves, tuned field-propagation characteristics, higher attachment forces and lower cost fabrication of magnet assemblies. The opportunity is to apply this discovery and its related technologies to magnetic couple and gear devices. Specifically, this proposal outlines a study to characterize the performance gains that result from incorporating this new set of technologies into current magnetic gear architecture.
Benefit: 1) Higher torque density and higher torsional stiffness magnetic gears, 2) Lower cost manufacturing of complex, multipole magnetic devices, 3) Broader application of low-noise and low maintenance magnetic devices within the Navy, 4) Improved magnetic gear devices for wind power to address the critical industry need for higher gearbox reliability.
Keywords: maxels, maxels, Magnetic gears, shear force, programmable magnets