Infinia Technology Coporation (ITC) will develop a Tactical Solar Hybridization Module (TaSHM) for integration with a modified version of Infinias dish/Stirling PowerDishTM concept. The TaSHM will be a device capable of delivering continuous heat input to a Stirling convertor, seamlessly switching between solar and liquid fuel sources, and storing up to 1 hour of solar and/or combustion input as heat to be converted to electricity as needed. Heat to drive the system can be derived from solar sources, logistical fuel sources, or both, to provide a continuous 3-kWe output per system. Integrating all this functionality into 1 system alleviates the necessity to carry batteries or diesel generators to provide continuous power.
Keywords: Solar Tracking, Solar Tracking, Hybrid, Batteries, Renewable, Power Management, Solar Reflectors, Stirling Engine, Fuel Cells, Jp-8