Reconfigurable Radio for High-Data-Rate Satellite CommunicationsAward last edited on: 10/12/2011
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : AFTotal Award Amount
$100,000Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
AF103-095Principal Investigator
Joseph PalmerCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: ---- Completed: ----
Phase I year
2011Phase I Amount
Channel codes are a quickly evolving area of radio engineering. A post-launch reprogrammable radio in a satellite, or other spacecraft, allows the radio system to be upgraded with new channel encoders and/or decoders that were unavailable at the time of launch. Our proposed radio will be capable of post-launch reconfiguration, and the FPGA-based computer is fast enough to handle modern high-performance channel codes, such as Turbo Codes or LDCP Codes. If made commercially available, the proposed radio system will permit a new degree of freedom in future satellite missions. System designers can be more conservative with their radio designs, because they know that the radio can be upgraded post-launch with improved programming. It is not necessary to design the radio such that it can handle all conceivable scenarios and challenges. The ultimate benefit will be the extended mission life of spacecraft due to their obsolescence being preempted through regular radio upgrades. Some potential commercial applications include earth orbit and deep space science spacecraft, satellite command and control uplinks, military tactical radio, and high-speed satellite data downlinks.
Software Defined Radio, Channel Coding, Fpga, Satellite Radio, Configurable Computer, Encoder, Decoder
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: ---- Completed: ----