In August 2020, it was announced that long-time SBIR-involved Voxtel had been acquired by Allegro MicroSystems- a global leader in sensing and power semiconductor technology. Indications are that the acquisition was conssumated primarily with a view to drive eye-eafe LiDAR solutions for advanced automotive Ssafety systems - the acquisition serving to pair leading eye-safe photonics with Allegros extensive portfolio optimized for high growth ADAS applications in semi-autonomous and autonomous vehicles. Voxtel, Inc. Extensively involved in SBIR from soon after the firm was founded in 1999, Voxtel In had engaged in developing and manufacturing photonic devices and systems - offering photo detectors, optoelectronic assemblies, and optical instrumentation for industrial, commercial, research, and government applications. Additionally, the company produced silicon photomultipliers for use in fluorescence-lifetime imaging, nuclear medicine, high energy physics, radiation detection, laser range finding, particle sizing, and laser-induced fluorescence detection applications, as well as in DNA-sequencing applications. The companys products include dsingle photon sensitive avalanche photodiodes, single photon detector systems, LADAR and LIDAR detector systems, complementary metal oxide semiconductor imagers, nanocrystal quantum dot devices, and electro-optical imaging systems, as well as nanoDot taggant systems for use in security applications, covert operations, anti-counterfeiting systems, and encryption technologies. Though the firm had the ability to bring products to market, assisting in custom design and material growth, Voxtel's technologies and systems were primaarily implemented into industrial, commercial, research, and government applications.