A rapid assay for the detection of T2 trichothecene mycotoxin in water is proposed that will use ANP Technology, Inc.'s established handheld reader and rapid acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor test ticket format. Dipain-II and other candidate Dipain derivatives will be immobilized on cellulose and other solid supports mounted as discs in wells on the existing test ticket, similar to the AChE inhibitor ticket which uses a cellulose support for an enzyme substrate. The fluorescent signal emitted when the association complex of Dipain-II and T2 is formed can be measured by ANP's handheld reader by changing the light source to an LED at or near 366 nm output. The current camera onboard can measure the resultant yellow orange emission. A time to result of ~10 seconds with a sensitivity to as low as 50 ng/mL is expected. The ticket will use a built in comparator so that it is self-calibrating.
Keywords: T2, Trichothecenes, Dipain, Mycotoxins, Mold, Rapid Assay, Handheld Reader, Fluorescence