A Cellular Approach to the Treatment of Diabetic MaculopathyAward last edited on: 12/28/10
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NEITotal Award Amount
$496,925Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Stephen H BartelmezCompany Information
BetaStem Therapeutics Inc
2 Lower Crescent Avenue Suite 2
Sausalito, CA 94965
Sausalito, CA 94965
(415) 913-7595 |
bartelmezsh@yahoo.com |
www.betastemtherapy.com |
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Marin
Congr. District: 02
County: Marin
Phase I
Contract Number: 1RC1EY020341-01Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
2009Phase I Amount
$496,925Public Health Relevance:
Our goal is to develop an efficient, safe clinical treatment for diabetic retinopathy using stem cells from the patient's blood that have been activated outside of the patient then returned to repair damaged vessels in the eye. Currently, no effective treatment exists to reverse diabetic retinopathy marked by vision loss following retinal blood vessel damage caused by a lack of blood/oxygen supply to the retina.
Public Health Relevance Statement:
Project Narrative Our goal is to develop an efficient, safe clinical treatment for diabetic retinopathy using stem cells from the patient's blood that have been activated outside of the patient then returned to repair damaged vessels in the eye. Currently, no effective treatment exists to reverse diabetic retinopathy marked by vision loss following retinal blood vessel damage caused by a lack of blood/oxygen supply to the retina.
NIH Spending Category:
Clinical Research; Diabetes; Eye Disease and Disorders of Vision; Regenerative Medicine; Stem Cell Research; Stem Cell Research - Nonembryonic - Human; Stem Cell Research - Nonembryonic - Non-Human
Project Terms:
0-6 weeks old; 21+ years old; Academia; Address; Adoptive Transfer; Adult; adult human (21+); Age; Animal growth regulators, transforming growth factors; Animal Model; Animal Models and Related Studies; Area; Autologous; Blindness; Blood; Blood capillaries; Blood Cells; blood vessel disorder; Blood Vessels; Bone Marrow; Capillaries; capillary; Capillary; Capillary, Unspecified; CD34; CD34 gene; Cell Count; Cell Function; Cell Number; Cell physiology; Cell Process; Cell Therapy; cell-based therapy; Cells; Cellular Function; Cellular Physiology; Cellular Process; Characteristics; Clinical; clinical investigation; Clinical Research; Clinical Study; Clinical Treatment; Clinical Trials; Clinical Trials, Unspecified; Cohort Studies; Concurrent Studies; CXC-R4; CXCR-4; CXCR4; CXCR4 gene; cytokine; D2S201E; degenerative condition; degenerative disease; Degenerative Disorder; Development; diabetes; Diabetes Mellitus; diabetic; Diabetic mouse; diabetic patient; Diabetic Retinopathy; Disease; disease natural history; disease/disorder; Disorder; disorder of macula of retina; Dropsy; Dysfunction; Edema; effective therapy; Endothelial Cells; Ensure; Expression Profiling; Expression Signature; Eye; Eyeball; FB22; Functional disorder; Generalized Growth; Generations; Goals; Grant; Growth; HM89; Homing; HPCA1; HSY3RR; Human; human disease; Human, Adult; Human, General; Hydrops; in vivo; Industry; Infant, Newborn; Investigators; Ischemia; Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury; Knowledge; LAP3; LCR1; Lesion; LESTR; long-term study; Longitudinal Studies; macula; macular; macular edema; Mammals, Mice; Man (Taxonomy); Man, Modern; Methods; Methods and Techniques; Methods, Other; Mice; model organism; Modeling; molecuar profile; Molecular Fingerprinting; Molecular Profiling; molecular signature; Mother Cells; mouse model of diabetes; Murine; Mus; neovascularization; new approaches; newborn human (0-6 weeks); Newborn Infant; Newborns; non-diabetic; nondiabetic; novel approaches; novel strategies; novel strategy; NPY3R; NPYR; NPYRL; NPYY3R; O element; O2 element; ontogeny; Oxygen; paracrine; Pathologic; Pathology; pathophysiology; patient population; Patients; Perfusion; Peripheral; Peripheral Blood Cell; Phenotype; phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomer; Physiologic; Physiological; Physiopathology; PMO oligomer; Population; Prevalence; Private Sector; Progenitor Cells; prospective; public health relevance; receptor; Receptor Protein; repair; repaired; reperfusion; Reperfusion Damage; Reperfusion Injury; Reperfusion Therapy; Research; Research Personnel; Researchers; restoration; Reticuloendothelial System, Blood; Reticuloendothelial System, Bone Marrow; Retina; retina blood vessel structure; retina degeneration; retina disease; retina disorder; retina ischemia; Retinal; Retinal Blood Vessels; retinal damage; Retinal Degeneration; retinal degenerative; Retinal Diseases; Retinal Disorder; retinal ischemia; Retinal Vessels; retinopathy; Role; SCID; SCID Mice; Scientist; severe combined immune deficiency; Severe Combined Immunodeficient Mice; Sight; social role; stem cell biology; Stem Cell Development; stem cell therapy; Stem cells; Structure of blood vessel of retina; Subcellular Process; SUBGP; Subgroup; success; Techniques; Testing; Therapeutic; Therapy, Cell; Time; Tissue Growth; Toxic effect; Toxicities; Transforming Growth Factors; trial regimen; trial treatment; Tube; Tumor Growth Factors; vascular; Vascular Diseases; Vascular Disorder; Vis
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00