Rapid Assembly of Durable Composite Radome Panels and Radome Mounting Interface
Award last edited on: 10/24/2019

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Robert Spencer

Company Information

Infinite Technologies Inc

2140 East Bidwell Street
Folsom, CA 95630
   (916) 987-3261
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Sacramento

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The objective of the proposed work is to develop a rapid connect durable technological improvement for Radome interfaces of panel to panel attachments and Radome support structure attachments. The ITI Team proposes to eliminate metallic fasteners currently used in panel to panel connections with a rapid connect approach and to further develop a more durable composite interface with the typical Radome mounting rings or interface surfaces through new alkali tolerant coatings and/or composite resins. Phase 1 of the proposed work will concentrate on three specific design concepts: • Concept 1: Existing Fastener Replacement • Concept 2: Linear Snap Joint • Concept 3: Base Ring Material Interface Compatibility All elements of each design solution including the design, material and construction technique, as well as other sub items, will be analysed to determine how well they address the final set of requirements.

Existing Fastener Replacement for the AN/FPS-117 Radome, Existing Fastener Replacement for other Air Force Radomes, Form-Fit-Function Base Ring Replacement, incorporate new designs with a leading radome manufacture.

Rapid Connect, Radome, Composite, Fasteners, Interface Structures, Base Ring, Snap Joint, Radio Frequency

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2015)
Phase II Amount

Project Objective: The SBIR objectives are to provide rapid connect durable technological improvements for radome interfaces of panel attachments and other hardware structures including radome support structure connections. These technological improvements will increase durability and provide longer product lifecycles. When fully integrated, these advanced composite technologies will dramatically improve the total life cycle performance and benefits of ownership. Description of the effort: Phase II efforts will continue development of rapid assembly fasteners and alkali compatible base ring attachment designs. Phase I concepts have been proven viable through cost, schedule, and performance/technical analysis. In order to develop investment opportunities for the Air Force, ITI has identified additional markets and venues in which the new technology provides commercialization potential, including: • Air Force Radome and Support Structures • Other DoD Radome and Support Structures • Shelter Structure Attachments • Solar Parking Lot Structure • Communications Hardware • Sports and Leisure Equipment • Advertising Bill Boards & Signs • Electric/Automotive Attach/Fastening Hardware

Phase I work produced cost and weight competitive prototypes estimated to reduce installation times by ~43%. Inspection and maintenance times are estimated to be reduced by ~75%. Proposed corrosion resistant materials include green alternatives for further pollution prevention research. ITI believes that continuation of this initiative will lead to breakthrough advancements in the manufacture, deployment, and lifecycle operations of military radomes, shelters and other hardware structures.

Radome, Rapid Connect, Alkali Compatible, ¼ Turn, Snap Fit, Rf, Base Ring