There are a number of basic questions that need to be answered so that IntelliDrive mobile applications can be developed to ensure maximum compatibility with various mobile application platforms. This proposal put forth specific activities that will answer these basic questions on popular mobile platforms: IPhone, iPad, Android, Microsoft's Phone 7, Black Berry, Palm's, WebOS, Nokia's Symbian, Garmin Communicator, and TomTom navigator Devices. Development platforms, SDK, development method and delivery processes for each mobile app will be examined and a summary report will be produced. Mobile app for each platform will be experimented and their capabilities and limitations will be summarized. A plug-in to mobile app SDK is proposed to abstract out and standardize interface to the IntelliDrive system. Requirements updates, quality control, and approval method will be examined using the plug-in approach. A data logging app will be developed on Droid and iPhone/iPad platforms to gather data to answer some of the posted questions. Combining GPS data, rate of change (speed), delta of rate of change (acceleration) with referenced GPS data of freeways, rails, and other geographic locations, will be examined to determine mode of travel.