Company Profile

Telesage Inc (AKA: Medassure~Health Outcomes Inc)
Profile last edited on: 1/29/2018      CAGE: 1WLU4      UEI: KTVMENVNKJ37

Business Identifier: Automated survey systems and Web solutions for mental health research
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

201 East Rosemary Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
   (919) 942-8849
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Orange

Public Profile

TeleSage specializes in creating inexpensive, user-friendly software for the design and administration of automated surveys, with a particular focus on providing resources for researching mental illness. The firm’s mission is to develop and market advanced mental health research tools products and services in order to improve research and clinical practices and improve the lives of people affected by mental illness. The research tools are designed to increase assessment precision; reduce respondent and staff burden; increase study/clinical trial recruitment (i.e., patient participation); and identify evidence-based practices. TeleSage offers software solutions for Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Web survey design & administration. The firm has developed SmartQ technology, software that is able to streamline telephone surveys, increasing both the efficiency and precision of data collection. SmartQ is a powerful tool with the flexibility for a variety of automated survey solutions. TeleSage is also a leader in developing Item Response Theory (IRT), validated self-report instruments, and has pioneered innovative computerized solutions for converting clinician-administered interviews to self-report instruments.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Benjamin B Brodey -- President, Founder and CEO

  Benjamin B Brodey

  Milo Fryling -- Senior Software Architect

  Robert Soule -- Director, Software Development

  Melanie Elliott Wilson -- Former Chief Operating Officer

Company News

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