Small Diameter (3-5mm), Nanofibrous Biomimetic Vascular Graft ProsthesisAward last edited on: 12/29/11
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NHLBITotal Award Amount
$2,405,121Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Craig HashiCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R44HL096170-01A1Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
2009Phase I Amount
$223,845Public Health Relevance:
The quality of life for millions of Americans is impacted severely from the suffering associated with atherosclerotic vessel disease, especially the elderly. Research and development of a vascular conduit like the NanoVasc graft will play a key role in not only improving the quality of these patients' lives by providing better treatment options/modalities but also reduce the economic impact on the society as a whole and patients in particular. A vascular prosthesis that far exceeds the results of today's treatment options will positively affect the United States' health care system.
Public Health Relevance Statement:
Project Narrative. The quality of life for millions of Americans is impacted severely from the suffering associated with atherosclerotic vessel disease, especially the elderly. Research and development of a vascular conduit like the NanoVasc graft will play a key role in not only improving the quality of these patients' lives by providing better treatment options/modalities but also reduce the economic impact on the society as a whole and patients in particular. A vascular prosthesis that far exceeds the results of today's treatment options will positively affect the United States' health care system.
NIH Spending Category:
Aging; Assistive Technology; Atherosclerosis; Bioengineering; Biotechnology; Cardiovascular; Hematology; Nanotechnology; Rehabilitation
Project Terms:
Acute; Adhesions; Affect; Aged 65 and Over; American; Amines; Animals; Assay; Bilateral; Binding; Binding (Molecular Function); Bioassay; Biocompatible; Biodegradation; Biologic Assays; Biological; Biological Assay; Biomimetics; Bizzozero's corpuscle/cell; Blood; Blood Platelets; Blood Vessel Prosthesis; Blood Vessels; Body Weight decreased; Bypass; Caliber; Carotid Arteries; Cell-Extracellular Matrix; Cell/Tissue, Immunohistochemistry; Cells; Certification; Characteristics; Chemicals; Chromogenic Substrates; Chronic; Clinical; Clinical Trials, Phase I; Common carotid artery; Coronary Arteriosclerosis; Coronary Artery Disease; Coronary Artery Disorder; Coronary Atherosclerosis; Deetjeen's body; Deposit; Deposition; Development; Development and Research; Diameter; Dimensions; Disease; Disorder; ECM; Early-Stage Clinical Trials; Elderly; Elderly, over 65; Electromagnetic, Laser; Electrons; Embolism; Embolus; Ensure; Environment; Esthetics; Ethylene Oxide; Evaluation; Exhibits; Extracellular Matrix; Fiber; Generations; Glycolates; Goals; Government; Guidelines; H2O2; Hayem's elementary corpuscle; Healthcare Systems; Hirudin; Hirudins; Histology; Human; Human, General; Hydrogen Oxide; Hydrogen Peroxide; Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2); Hydroperoxide; IACUC; IHC; Immune; Immunohistochemistry; Immunohistochemistry Staining Method; Implant; In Vitro; Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee; LLNA; Label; Lasers; Length; Life; Local Lymph Node Assay; Lytotoxicity; Man (Taxonomy); Man, Modern; Marrow platelet; Measures; Mechanics; Mediating; Medical Device; Methods; Microscopy; Mimetics, Biological; Modality; Modeling; Modification; Molecular Interaction; Monitor; Morphology; Muscle Rigidity; Muscle, Involuntary; Muscle, Smooth; Negative Beta Particle; Negatrons; Operation; Operative Procedures; Operative Surgical Procedures; Outcome; Ovis; Oxirane; Patients; Peptides; Performance; Peripheral arterial disease; Permeability; Persons; Phase; Phase 1 Clinical Trials; Phase I Clinical Trials; Phase I Study; Platelets; Play; Polymers; Porosity; Pressure; Pressure- physical agent; Procedures; Process; Property; Property, LOINC Axis 2; Prosthesis; Prosthetic device; Prosthetics; Proteins; Protocol; Protocols documentation; Pyrogens; QOL; Quality of life; R & D; R&D; Radial; Radiation, Laser; Radio; Relative; Relative (related person); Reproducibility; Research; Reticuloendothelial System, Blood; Reticuloendothelial System, Platelets; Rigidity; Rigidity, Muscular; Role; Rotation; SBIR; SBIRS (R43/44); Safety; Saline; Saline Solution; Sample Size; Sampling; Scanning; Sheep; Side; Small Business Innovation Research; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Smooth muscle (tissue); Societies; Spectroscopy; Spectrum Analyses; Spectrum Analysis; Speed; Speed (motion); Staining method; Stainings; Stains; Steam; Sterilization; Sterilization for infection control; Structure; Substrates, Chromogenic; Surface; Surgical; Surgical Interventions; Surgical Procedure; Surgical sutures; Sutures; Systems, Health Care; TXT; Technology; Tensile Strength; Testing; Text; Thick; Thickness; Thrombase; Thrombin; Thrombocytes; Thrombosis; Thrombus; Toxic effect; Toxicities; United States; V (voltage); Variant; Variation; Vascular Graft; Vascular Prosthesis; Visual; Water; Weight; Weight Loss; Weight Reduction; advanced age; base; biocompatibility; biomaterial compatibility; body weight loss; cell assembly; chemical property; covalent bond; cytotoxicity; design; designing; digital; disease/disorder; economic impact; elders; experiment; experimental research; experimental study; fibrinogenase; gene product; genotoxicity; geriatric; implantation; improved; in vitro Model; in vitro testing; in vivo; innovate; innovation; innovative; irritation; late life; later life; manufacturing scale-up; meetings; nano fiber; nano meter; nanofiber; nanofibrous; nanometer; older adult; older person; particle; phase 1 study; phase 1 trial; phase I trial; physical property; pressure; protocol, phase I; prototype; public health relevance; regenerate new tissue; regenerating damaged tissue; research and development; research study; response; scaffold; scaffolding; senior citizen; social role; success; surgery; thrombocyte/platelet; tissue regeneration; vascular; voltage; wt-loss
Phase II
Contract Number: 5R44HL096170-02Start Date: 9/14/09 Completed: 3/31/12
Phase II year
2010(last award dollars: 2011)
Phase II Amount
$2,181,276Public Health Relevance:
The quality of life for millions of Americans is impacted severely from the suffering associated with atherosclerotic vessel disease, especially the elderly. Research and development of a vascular conduit like the NanoVasc graft will play a key role in not only improving the quality of these patients' lives by providing better treatment options/modalities but also reduce the economic impact on the society as a whole and patients in particular. A vascular prosthesis that far exceeds the results of today's treatment options will positively affect the United States' health care system.
Thesaurus Terms:
Acute; Adhesions; Affect; Aged 65 And Over; American; Amines; Animals; Assay; Bilateral; Binding; Binding (Molecular Function); Bioassay; Biocompatible; Biodegradation; Biologic Assays; Biological; Biological Assay; Biomimetics; Bizzozero's Corpuscle/Cell; Blood; Blood Platelets; Blood Vessel Prosthesis; Blood Vessels; Body Weight Decreased; Bypass; Caliber; Carotid Arteries; Cell-Extracellular Matrix; Cell/Tissue, Immunohistochemistry; Cells; Certification; Characteristics; Chemicals; Chromogenic Substrates; Chronic; Clinical; Common Carotid Artery; Coronary Arteriosclerosis; Coronary Artery Disease; Coronary Artery Disorder; Coronary Atherosclerosis; Deetjeen's Body; Deposit; Deposition; Development; Development And Research; Diameter; Dimensions; Disease; Disorder; Ecm; Elderly; Elderly, Over 65; Electromagnetic, Laser; Electrons; Embolism; Embolus; Ensure; Environment; Esthetics; Ethylene Oxide; Evaluation; Exhibits; Extracellular Matrix; Fiber; Generations; Glycolates; Goals; Government; Guidelines; H2o2; Hayem's Elementary Corpuscle; Healthcare Systems; Hirudin; Hirudins; Histology; Human; Human, General; Hydrogen Oxide; Hydrogen Peroxide; Hydrogen Peroxide (H2o2); Hydroperoxide; Iacuc; Ihc; Immune; Immunohistochemistry; Immunohistochemistry Staining Method; Implant; In Vitro; Institutional Animal Care And Use Committee; Llna; Label; Lasers; Length; Life; Local Lymph Node Assay; Lytotoxicity; Man (Taxonomy); Man, Modern; Marrow Platelet; Measures; Mechanics; Mediating; Medical Device; Methods; Microscopy; Mimetics, Biological; Modality; Modeling; Modification; Molecular Interaction; Monitor; Morphology; Muscle Rigidity; Muscle, Involuntary; Muscle, Smooth; Negative Beta Particle; Negatrons; Operation; Operative Procedures; Operative Surgical Procedures; Outcome; Ovis; Oxirane; Patients; Peptides; Performance; Peripheral Arterial Disease; Permeability; Persons; Phase; Platelets; Play; Polymers; Porosity; Pressure; Pressure- Physical Agent; Procedures; Process; Property; Property, Loinc Axis 2; Prosthesis; Prosthetic Device; Prosthetics; Proteins; Protocol; Protocols Documentation; Pyrogens; Qol; Quality Of Life; R & D; R&D; Radial; Radiation, Laser; Radio; Relative; Relative (Related Person); Reproducibility; Research; Reticuloendothelial System, Blood; Reticuloendothelial System, Platelets; Rigidity; Rigidity, Muscular; Role; Rotation; Sbir; Sbirs (R43/44); Safety; Saline; Saline Solution; Sample Size; Sampling; Scanning; Sheep; Side; Small Business Innovation Research; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Smooth Muscle (Tissue); Societies; Spectroscopy; Spectrum Analyses; Spectrum Analysis; Speed; Speed (Motion); Staining Method; Stainings; Stains; Steam; Sterilization; Structure; Surface; Surgical; Surgical Interventions; Surgical Procedure; Surgical Sutures; Sutures; Systems, Health Care; Txt; Technology; Tensile Strength; Testing; Text; Thick; Thickness; Thrombase; Thrombin; Thrombocytes; Thrombosis; Thrombus; Toxic Effect; Toxicities; United States; V (Voltage); Variant; Variation; Vascular Graft; Vascular Prosthesis; Visual; Water; Weight; Weight Loss; Weight Reduction; Advanced Age; Base; Biocompatibility; Biomaterial Compatibility; Body Weight Loss; Cell Assembly; Chemical Property; Covalent Bond; Cytotoxicity; Design; Designing; Digital; Disease/Disorder; Economic Impact; Elders; Experiment; Experimental Research; Experimental Study; Fibrinogenase; Gene Product; Genotoxicity; Geriatric; Implantation; Improved; In Vitro Model; In Vitro Testing; In Vivo; Innovate; Innovation; Innovative; Irritation; Late Life; Later Life; Manufacturing Scale-Up; Meetings; Nano Fiber; Nano Meter; Nanofiber; Nanofibrous; Nanometer; Older Adult; Older Person; Particle; Phase 1 Study; Physical Property; Pressure; Prototype; Public Health Relevance; Regenerate New Tissue; Regenerating Damaged Tissue; Research And Development; Research Study; Response; Scaffold; Scaffolding; Senior Citizen; Social Role; Success; Surgery; Thrombocyte/Platelet; Tissue Regeneration; Vascular; Voltage; Wt-Loss