Wind velocity is a critical parameter measured by ocean observing systems. Currently, wind velocity is measured from most buoys with mechanical or point acoustic anemometers that measure wind at the sensor location that is distorted by surface roughness and boundary layer effects. These sensors are also subject to vandalism as they are highly visible on the buoy platform. To replace these inadequate systems, Optical Air data Systems has developed a fiberoptic, laser wind sensor precisely for such meteorological and environmental measurements. Originally designed for use aboard Navy Landing Craft, this sensor is perfectly suited for application to buoy-based oceanic wind observation. The sensor employs an all-fiber-optic, eyesafe LIDAR to detect aerosol backscatter and remotely determine the three-dimensional wind vector at a point 100-150 feed from the sensor aperture.
Potential Commercial Applications: The technology developed will be incorporated into the laser sensor products that are already under development at OADS, L.P. for both the commercial and government markets. These sensors include laser based aircraft primary air data systems, compact laser wind sensing units for ballistic windage correction, laser vibrometers for aircraft structural inspection, and wind sensors for competition sailing