Inability to track design intent, and the flow of parameters across the multiplicity of modeling tools used in engineering, is a significant problem in fleet maintenance, and engineering in general. Beehive will apply its expertise in engineering knowledge management, and proprietary technology for representation and management of engineering measurements and metadata to this problem. Phase I will develop and demonstrate feasibility of metadata models for intent and parameter data flow using the Beehive framework and a companion document store such as SharePoint. User interfaces achieving automatic capture of parametric information will be designed and demonstrated. The Option project will prototype a database implementation of the intended system using one calculation tool to show feasibility of the system''''s interfaces to external tools.
Benefit: The Analysis Management System (AMS) solicited, implemented on the Beehive framework has, itself, the potential for sale and customization to commercial engineering organizations. Furthermore, the advancement of Beehive''''s core products through this SBIR work will significantly enhance its main lines of business as well. Beehive''''s breakthrough approach to managing engienering numbers will significantly advance the state of the art and will improve the engineering process by offering traceability, verification and validation, and re-use for unstructured information that was considered intractible before.
Keywords: Analysis Management, Analysis Management, DESIGN INTENT, knowledge management, XML, metadata, Computer Aided Engineering, Knowledge Capture, unstructured data